Craig's Classroom

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Education & Training - Tech Training for You!
Craig's Classroom Blog is a series of short technology articles for Real Estate Professionals. You will learn how to work with and improve on your online points of presence. Craig teaches about practical technology usage that you will find useful in your daily workflow. Work smarter!



I was privileged recently as ActiveRain included my signature posts series in a recent email newsletter blast. Wow! I got some really great new comments and several new subscribers from that. So cool! (and I hope you enjoyed the series if you hadn't previously seen it) Meanwhile, I also made lot...
Sometimes there are some really cool things you can do on your computer, but unless you stumble upon them by accident or somebody shows you (or you read the guide, but who does that??) ... these things you would not know! Today's short class is about the wheel on your mouse. Now quite obviously,...
I really like shortcuts. Shortcuts are quicker ways to get things done. We don't have enough hours in the day as it is, every little bit of time savings helps! Today's class I want to show you keyboard command shortcuts that you can use for common commands that you can do if you are using Window...
Has anybody seen Craig lately? I think he dropped off the planet! Well, I'm still here. I thought I'd better check in and say hi! My day job has got me insanely busy lately (I'm an IT Manager at an Architectural company in Manhattan.) We just merged with another company and we have to bring 100+...

Craig Daniels

Technology Instructor/Project Consultant
local_phone(646) 450-2728
Contact The Author

Since 2010, Craig's Classroom blog has been the place to come for short technology lessons - here on ActiveRain I focus on technologies for real estate professionals - please subscribe if you want to catch future posts! :)

How To Create an Effective Blog Signature

Your blog signature is what shows at the bottom of every blog post. Make it count!

Are You Using Google Photos?

Google photos is a cloud based service to edit and organize all your library of pictures.

Leveraging the Cloud

Cloud services are extremely useful. Learn some of the main providers and how you can benefit.

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