Are you ready to continue on in our Video Series classes? In my previous articles (you can go back via that link), I have mentioned that it is not required that you use video editing software before you post a video. For instance, you could record a single continuous clip and post it - simple. H
I haven't done screencasts in a while, but I've wanted to get back into doing them. Here is a question that came up today in an email, so I thought I'd do a class in screencast format to demonstrate some of the points instead of just writing about them. What are some of the ways you can size a p
I'm in the midst of writing my Video Series, but I'm jumping back to my Graphics for Bloggers Series for a day to help you with a graphics skill that we will need on the next video lesson. I am going to demonstrate how to do screen captures AND get them cropped to the right aspect ratio so that
Have you subscribed to Will Curry yet? Take my advice, go to his Will's ActiveRain blog now and do so. Will is on staff at ActiveRain and has become active in vlogging (video log). He is not only teaching stuff that you will want to know, he is showing you how to do a great job of vlogging. His
If you have been following my Picasa Series, you'll know by now what an amazing all-around photo app that Picasa is (and free too!). This class will be about watermarking your photos. Watermarking is the overlaying of text onto your photo to dissuade others from using your work without your perm
Usually when we go to Ireland, we make our home base in Killarney (County Kerry) which is in the southwest part of the country. A little ways south of Killarney on what is known as the "Ring of Kerry" is the town of Kenmare. From there a very scenicKenmare Bay extends out into the Atlantic Ocean
In videography (and photography), there is a concept that you need to be familiar with and it is called aspect ratio. An aspect ratio is the the comparison or ratio of the width to the height. In digital camera photography, most shots are in a 4:3 (4 by 3) ratio. This means that the width is jus
In my previous post, I introduced you to some of the basic concepts and terminology of the video editing process. I haven't shown you how to do the edits yet, but we will get there. The comments on my first post provided some good feedback and I appreciate that. Before we get into editing video