Going back to the basics for multifamily investors and property managers not only can save you money but increase your bottom line. Owning an apartment complex or managing one can be expensive if your game plan is simply offering concessions and other promotions to attract new tenants. Obtaining
You are considering a multifamily investment and the seller has provided you with a "pro forma" statement. What exactly does that mean anyway? Consider reviewing the investment guide information for the current market. A pro forma financial statement is generally a reference to a property's pot
Multifamily loans are down 42% according to the "Multi-Housing News". According to the article, multi-family investment sales are accounting for the biggest cause of the drop. Capital sources are tighter and some have exited the market entirely. A large increase in sales the previous 3 years ha
What's a cap rate anyhow? CAP rates are sometimes difficult to put into words so that it can be understood easily by consumers as well as investors. The logic is fairly simple. Calculating it is one of the most difficult and perplexing problems for investors to determine. What is the current
The question generally starts with something like “Can you blanket loans?" or "Can you lend on 10 homes?” “Blanketing” is the term used when more than one parcel is collateralized for the purpose of obtaining a loan. The location of the parcels can be contiguous (side by side) or spread out whic
Wells Fargo made the news in the WSJ recently. Many folks outside the banking industry don’t know how a Level 3 Asset would affect their bank. Level 3 assets are generally loans than are classified as illiquid, hard to value or sell. Not at all a desirable asset. Sort of like having a lot of
Multifamily renters shopping online for apartments went over the 1,000,000 mark for the first time ever according to Realty DataTrust’s VaultWare reservation system, which logged the usage from July 1 to July 31, 2008. Some of the most popular sites are: 1. Apartments.com 2. Rents.com 3. Apartme
Multifamily investing and sales in most areas are still very attractive for a number of reasons. Multifamily investors in almost all but the major markets have a higher occupancy than in the previous few years where buying a home was easier than buying a cell phone. Multifamily loans are still av
Commercial loan programs in today's market have created a void making hard money programs attractive. Seems like it shouldn't be so, but hard money is making a huge come back in this environment. I'm getting several calls a week with a new hedge fund here and one there who want business. New hard
What is the truth about the health of the banking industry and your local bank? As a personal witness to the S&L meltdown in the late 1980's, I got a first hand look at what financial panic will do to a bank. However, most of my friends, folks in the real estate business and related industries ne