I noted in a previous post, I’d like to be a fly on the wall in some of the Fed meetings. Well I wasn’t a fly, but I have found a little bank birdie who revealed some very interesting information regarding some of the Fed’s moves. The birdie was actually a formal bank statement released to stockh
I use a dozen or so sites to obtain information about the financial sector and in multifamily investments. I started to count the billions and billions of dollars that are being invested here and there and some more way over there. My calculator just couldn't compute the numbers. You know it's a
Is PNC going to use some of the $700 Billion Fed money to buy National City? This may be difficult to prove but the idea is just very unsettling. There may be some good uses for this but using it to purchase another bank is just not what the doctor ordered. Nor was it in the minds of the Treasu
I received 2 calls this week from mortgage brokers requesting a blank copy of a multifamily rent roll. On our web site at www.themultifamilyexperts.com, you will find free forms to use. The page is located at: http://www.themultifamilyexperts.com/Resources Rent roll forms should be complete and a
The numbers surrounding "credit derivatives" are staggering. So much so, I just had to research this beast to find out what they are exactly. Where did they come from and who can I hang? The link will take you to an excellent article "The $58 Trillion Dollar Elephant in the room" written by Jesse
This is our actual estimated National Debt going faster than you can count. ___________________________ Multifamily Investment Experts AAM Capital 5000 Alpha LaneChattanooga TN 37421 Office 423-870-2285Toll Free 800-452-9287 Rick FitzgeraldYour Multi-Family Expert Choose AAM Capital Find out why
The National Apartment Association just published their 2008 Survey of Income and Expenses for multifamily investors. Hint.........click on the guide :) This guide is useful whether you are a Multifamily Investor or just own rental property. Listing or selling agents may be interested in getting
The credit crunch has hit a sector that until now hasn’t really been out there in the media’s eye. Many Small Business folks and consumers have been crushed by the credit freeze. Larger companies struggle with investors in the short term commercial paper market too scared to invest in them. Who
Here’s the low down on the current financial crisis. Effectively, the entire consumer and business lending market is now in the hands of the banking industry. No more investment banks or investor funds looking for higher yields (thanks to the Lehman Brothers failure). Our latest survey of lender
When Banks hoard cash: Part 1 http://activerain.com/blogsview/716392/When-Banks-hoard-cash The historic meeting of the 9 banking CEO’s came with a surprise for most of them. Taking a page from the Godfather, each of them was offered a deal they couldn’t refuse. They were handed a one page docume