Simply Texas - Making Real Estate Simple, y'all...

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - - TX Lic 0530037
McKinney, Texas and the surrounding cities make up my "stomping ground". I live here, work here and play here. My blog will feature real estate information & market activity specific to this area. Whether you are a local buyer, seller, resident or fellow Realtor I hope that this blog will provide insight into what makes McKinney and Collin County so unique!
I'm going to be bold here for a moment and say that when moving to a new town/city WITH KIDS, the FIRST, MOST IMPORTANT business to find a referral for is a PEDIATRICIAN!! You do NOT want to be stuck with a sick kiddo and not know who to trust, where to go and IF they are going to accept your ins...
Single Ladies...IN THE HOUSE (literally)!! Beyonce's 2008 smash hit, Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It), certainly struck a chord with women everywhere! Much like Aretha Franklin's "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" and "I will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor, when this song is played - at ANY given location - women everyw...
Texas Rangers Fans!! Opening Day is coming...Friday, April 1! The Rangers will take on the Boston Red Sox in Arlington at 3:05 PM. I think that given the success of last year, the Rangers won't have the problems that they did in the past of selling home tickets! I know that I'd love to take my bo...
Now that Snowmageddon and the crazy North Texas winter *seems* to be behind us, many of my neighbors here in McKinney TX are now thinking about starting some outdoor home improvement projects. If you're getting your home ready to sell the Spring, the warmer weather can certainly be enticing! But,...
IN-N-OUT Burger is coming to Collin County Texas in not ONE, but TWO locations!! Wahooo!!! Yippee!! Ay yi yi yiiii! Wait...why am I so excited??? Honestly....I can't tell you, other than when ever I hear ANYONE talk about the burger joint it is always surrounded by this "oh my gosh - it's soooooo...
K.I.S.S. = Keep. It. Simple. Stupid.Whenever I start going off on a tangent with one of my crazy ideas (which I do often), I think back to this phrase I was told in one of my marketing classes at Texas A&M. Well, it wasn't told to me, personally - cause that would have been a little rude (the who...
For those of you reading this that do not know... not only do I call myself a proud McKinney Realtor and Broker, but I also wear several other "hats" that I'm VERY proud of as well. Like : Wife, Sister, Friend and MOM!! I'm mom to Mason (9) and Gavin (3) - the two best gifts God has ever given me...
   The Ronald McDonald House that Wasn't Never get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression The Dangers of Painting Your House When Color Blind What Happens When You Lose a Bet with Your Neighbor Maybe Next Time He'll Think Before He Cheats These were all contenders for this Blog Post Title...a...
Imagine that you are a first time home buyer. You are newlyweds, just off your honeymoon, and you can't WAIT to move out of that lowly, uncool apartment (that was the swanky place to be when you were single) and into your first home close to all of your married friends... So, you ask your "cool" ...
Texas Home Programs Homebuyer Education When looking at the Forbes 400 - The Richest People in America List, I came to the conclusion that I should have either married someone with the last name of Walton (Walmart), taken more computer courses (Microsoft, Apple, Google), been nicer to nerds (Zuck...

Kim Dean

Simply Texas Real Estate - Broker/Owner
local_phone(972) 521-7154
smartphone(469) 667-8225
Contact The Author
As a McKinney Texas REALTOR I'm proud to say that I live here, work here and play here! My blog will feature real estate information & market activity specific to McKinney, Allen, Frisco, Plano, Prosper and surrounding Collin County cities. Whether you are a local buyer, seller, renter, resident or fellow agent, I hope that this blog will provide insight into what makes McKinney and Collin County so unique!
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