By Coco Clayman Cook Do you remember as a child there was always one adult who constantly reminded everyone in the house to turn out lights when they left the room? Now more than ever it is important for all of us to adopt this attitude. By turning lights off when we leave a room we can substan
By Coco Clayman Cook This Valentine's Day lovers all over Los Angles will celebrate the day with candy, flowers, heart felt sentiments and stolen kisses. I always appreciate the LA Condo Lifestyle, but never more than on a holiday. My condo balcony is perfect for a small romantic dinner for two
By Coco Clayman Cook I recently took a small trip and had the pleasure to sit next to a promising young business man who had never before flown business class. He was understandably enthusiastic about the difference in his flying experience. I couldn't help but think how similar the perks to li
By Coco Clayman Cook One great way to help the environment is to adjust your thermostat. Here in Southern California it may not seem like a big deal, but it is. By lowering your thermostat 2 degrees during the cold wither months and raising it two degrees during the hot summer months you can ma
By Coco Clayman Cook Coffee is one of the great joys in life and by bringing your own cup to your local coffee shop you can save a substantial amount of paper and post consumer waste. Imagine a small mountain built entirely out of coffee cups and you can quickly imagine how much paper could be s
By Coco Clayman Cook Looking for ways to help the environment? Here in Los Angeles one of the best ways you can reduce your carbon footprint is to reduce your commute. I think one of the greatest advantages to living vertically and enjoying the LA Condo Lifestyle is the ability to walk from you
By Coco Clayman-Cook Did you know that as long as appliance is plugged in it drains electricity, driving your power bill through the roof and wasting precious energy? One simple way to help the environment and save money at the same time is to unplug appliances when you are not using them. Someti
By Coco Clayman-Cook There is an old Chinese curse that says "May you live in interesting times." I'm not certain who we ticked off, but we are certainly living in interesting times. The current market is seeing some very interesting trends, not all of them bad, but not all of them good. For t
By Coco Clayman-Cook One of my New Year's Resolutions has been to further my commitment to going GREEN. If you haven't already gone green, now is the moment to do it. If like me, you were already consciously trying to reduce, recycle and reuse, now is the time to take your greening to the next