You can't help but notice that when you are doing something you love time seems to fly by but if you are doing something you hate, or moan and groan in a dentist chair, the time seems to drag (no offense to dentist...chalk it up to a bad childhood experience). But another
49 and 50 Down and 474 to go in my Quest to have 524 new experiences in 2010 I mentioned earlier that a colleague and I started a non-fiction readers group. Our plan is to agree upon a non-fiction book (one that is an easy read and would have ideas, concepts that we could immediately put into us
48 Down... 476 to go on my Quest to have 524 new experiences in 2010 I've lived in the Austin area for 8 years or so, and never was one to pull over and stop at one of the local stands, or Gulf Stream type vendors or even the little 'hole in the wall' restaurants you see along the side of the roa
47 Down and 477 to go on my Quest to have 524 New Experiences in 2010 A couple of days ago I caught snowflakes in my mouth and enjoyed the beauty and simplicity of a snowy day in Austin. It reminded me of growing up in the country where we didn't lock the doors most of the time, and as kids we'
46 Down...478 to go in my Quest to have 524 New experiences in 2010 It snowed today in Austin...I mean really snowed, the big snowflakes that I remembered seeing growing up in the Midwest. At was at Starbucks and I was with a client writing up a contract. When the snow started we stopped our di
45 Down....479 to go on my Quest to make changes and have 524 new experiences in 2010 A difficult part about working from home is you are never away from work. At least it's an issue for me. Another difficult thing is that my daughter works for me and she doesn't like to come over and visit on
44 down 480 to go in my Quest to have 524 new experiences in 2010 This is one of those experiences I could have done without...however it was a learning experience which after all is part of my goal in 2010. I was slicing some sausage yesterday and my mind wasn't on what I was doing. In the bli
43 down....481 to go on my Quest to have 524 new experiences in 2010 Now this experience I could have done without...I worked out yesterday morning in a boot camp for charity with five of the Biggest Loser Alumnaes joining in. They didn't run the program, so it wasn't like you see on the tv show
42 down ...482 to go in my Quest to have 524 new experiences in 2010 This morning 5:30am sharp a group of about 30 men and women met to have a work out with five of the past "Biggest Loser" Alumnae. There wasn't much time for chit chat as Stephanie Poole our "Jillian" starting putting us through
I made myself a promise a year ago...that I would never have a pity party about how things were going in my life no matter how bad a day I'm having or how bad I might be feeling. I am very aware that even on my worst day there are many who would trade places with me and that always puts things i