
Is Perfection holding you back? Have you every had one of those days, weeks, etc. that you feel like you just can't finish anything?   Well I know I have. Some days no matter how hard I try I just can't get anything done. Well now I know why.   Last week I had the pleasure of attending a workshop...
Broker License vs. Designation - A Short Poll Please? Designations are the thing to have......or is there another choice? I have noticed within the last 10 years a lot of weight has been placed on obtaining one or more of the many recognized designations available to real estate professionals. Th...
Learn from the rich getting richer... The news..... Oprah gained weight.... The news for 2009, Oprah is now a whopping 200 pounds. This beautiful, wealthy, media mogul is in the news again. In her interviews she talks about how embarrassed she feels about the weight gain. Oprah is quoted saying "...

Dolores "Dee" Mauriello

Realtor, Homes For Sale Wayne NJ
local_phone(973) 696-0077
smartphone(973) 979-7375
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