Chuck Willman - NewHouse Utah

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Real Estate Agent - Chuck Willman - 9334967-SA00
Chuck & Lucy Willman are agents who offer advice about selling or purchasing homes in Utah.
We face-timed the grand-kids and said, "check this out.""What's that?" They asked."That's Mystery Mountain Jr."Ok. I that's not the name. But you have to give them something to look forward to, right?"We won't climb it until you get here." I promised.The months passed.And this little hill's myste...
"We'll have to wake up late some morning and climb that hill" I said, while winding our way up the mountain toward Suncrest, a community that straddles Salt Lake County and Utah County."Why so late?" my wife asked."Because it will take us all of five minutes." I replied.That's the advantage of li...
Years ago I read a book that probably wouldn't have otherwise hit my radar.I only read it because I had become a fan of the author's other books; so I decided to give his latest efforts a try.The Author is Bill Bryson, and his book went by the title of Notes from a Big Country. The alternative ti...
I received a text from my brother; "give me a call when you can."It's almost always a good thing. But, he lives closest to my parents, and I tend to feel a twinge. I know that one of these days the news may be difficult.My father is retired air force. As is my sister. I have another brother who w...
I've wondered about the trajectory that makes an event go viral.When my niece got married it was very much a family affair.People came in from far-flung locations to celebrate. The wedding was formal and was very much a small celebration of family and close friends.The reception was held in Cedar...
My great grandpa got arrived by boat from Sweden.His family business involved helping farmers turn property into farmland.They felled trees and removed rocks.That's back breaking stuff.Someone told them, "In America, you can plow for a mile and never so much as turn up a single stone."I'm sure th...
I live in the land of Wendy Peffercorn.If you don't know what I'm talking about, you haven't seen The Sandlot.I've seen it a few times. My kids have watched it many times more and my grandkids have viewed it approximately a zillion times.The Sandlot is a classic story about baseball, moving to a ...
Newspapers- I used to buy and read several per day.Even when I was a poor college student, I made sure to catch up on the latest news- dropping coins into the corner newsbox day in, day out.This habit began when I was a paper boy. I read the paper and then I delivered them. It felt cool being the...
David vs. Goliath.We like those stories, right?Recently "The Big Short" won several awards. It's a dramatic comedy that attempted to show how a few people were able to take advantage of the impending implosion of the mortgage market.A lesser known story involves Lisa Epstein who had a hand in blo...
I haven’t posted in a while. Some of you have noticed. The vast majority haven’t noticed.This is all well and good. Heck. There’s close to a few hundred thousand people who have, at some point, clicked the “sign up here” button. I’m just one of those. For those who have noticed my absence I say, ...

Chuck Willman
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