Over 700 helpful post, tips, laws and advice from the author of; Financial Sense To White Picket Fence The USDA program has changed. Effective October 1, 2012 it will no longer be subsidized by the US Taxpayer. Effective October 1, 2012, USDA mortgage ...
I read the following open letter to elected officials and those who advise them and felt compelled to offer a retort; To: The Honorable Josie Gonzales, Chair, San Bernardino County Board of SupervisorsThe Honorable Brad Mitzelfelt, Vice-Chairman, San Bernardino County Board of SupervisorsThe Hono...
Learn how to do more business, and better business, in this challenging economy. Set yourself apart by learning from an industry expert, author, HUD and IRS recognized housing consultant. Learn how to: - Work effectively with NID and HUD approved housing counseling agencies. - Help clients make s...
Many buyers are sidelined right now. This is due to a number of factors. Uncertainty in the market, lack of inventory, etc. Another reason according to the Center for Responsible Lending is that the average FHA buyer needing 3.5% down payment, may take up to six years to save their down payment...
2-13 COMPENSATING FACTORS.Compensating factors that may be used to justify approval of mortgage loans with ratios exceeding our benchmark guidelines are those listed below. Underwriters must record on the “remarks” section of the HUD 92900-WS/HUD 92900-PUR the compensating factor(s) used to suppo...
The headline is Martin Andelmans. I use it, but with the following disclaimer; I do not believe Wells Fargo is bad. The are standing up and doing some great things in this arena. I know this first hand. They are lending to homeowners when others are pulling back and they account for 1 in 3 lo...
Why don’t the banks just foreclose on these people? Allow me to state is this way, the amount of debt that has been leveraged is beyond our financial systems capability to handle. If we foreclosed on everyone not making a payment and allowed the homes to be vacant, the responsibility to maintain ...
May 24, 2012: NAR releases Press Release in support of HARP 3. But fails to even acknowledge investors!!! I may sound like I pick on NAR, I don’t mean to, but for all their millions of dollars in resources one would think they could hire a speech writer so their Presidents can sound well versed i...