Every year at this time I have to sit down and think about what to spend my REO budget on again. RES.Net & reotrans (now equator), and web sites are always at the top of my list but there are TONS of other sites and some look good but I don't have enough feedback to make an informed decision. Oth
I got my pricing back on a listing the other day in what was record time. Speaking to a couple of friends of mine in this market this isn't isolated and they are coming back much more rapidly and right on the bpo price. To the penny. It got me thinking about the appraisals. Frequently, in the pas
There's absolutely no doubt that the ABR designation is a very valuable one that the NAR and all realtors recognize. These are changing times though. As an agent doing a good many REOs both as listing and selling agent I see both sides. The frustration that the selling agent feels when the bank
Hello again Trendwatchers, As the attached spreadsheets will show you it is proving to be a lackluster year for sales here on Oconee and Sinclair. This is certainly not news. While there is now some evidence of stabilization in the hardest hit markets and hints of a perceived bottom there, our
I don't know of a single agent who would call you about one of your listings and ask "Who's your seller? Why is it then that so many agents feel perfectly comfortable calling an REO agent about a foreclosure asking "Who's your bank?" It didn't used to be quite so prevalent but I think that there
Hi Trendwatchers, Time for an update. As I'm sure you know, it continues to be a slow market here on Oconee and things have dropped on Sinclair as well. So far by the end of April, there were a total of 13 lake homes sold in the Oconee area mls compared to 31 by that time last year. Despite thi
My post about what part of as-is don't you understand got some very good responses regarding the difficulty we all occasionally have getting clients to really understand that the bank doesn't want to do anything at all to the property. There is a flip side to this though. What do you do when the
Hi Trendwatchers, You haven't heard from me for a bit because there really hasn't been much to say. Inventory has stayed high, prices have dropped and the mortgage market has been a mess. As anyone who has read a paper, the internet or turned on the evening news knows, this hasn't been a period t
I do a fair amount of BPOs in my area and have about 20 companies I deal with most frequently. Lately, I noticed that some providers are reducing their offered payments for these. Some have gone as low as $45 which scarcely makes it worth the time and effort. Lake oconee where I am is in a very r
I do a good bit with REO properties as well as relocations and as anyone who has ever worked these knows, they are always sold AS-IS. These are pretty much the first words out of my mouth when I show an REO to a client or even tell them about one. These seemingly normal people who appear to compr