When you rent a home or apartment, your monthly rent payment is normally one of your biggest expenses each and every month. However, when you go to purchase your first home or buy a new car, your rent isn’t on your credit report. That is about to change! A national credit report company, T...
It seems as if more and more residents in Florida are taking advantage of county-to-county migrations. And, we are proud to announce that Broward County has ranked one of the highest county-to-county migration places in the nation. In a report recently released from the U.S. Census Bureau, app...
For the last several months, archeologists have been busy uncovering evidence of a Native American village located in downtown Miami. So far, they have uncovered eight large holes which are all uniform in size and carved out of limestone. Those holes are thought to be foundation holes for Te...
The U.S. Postal Service has announced that they will no longer be delivering mail door-to-door in new housing developments. Mail will only be delivered to centralized locations, which are a cluster of mailboxes similar to what you would find in an apartment complex or townhome community. Why y...
On Friday, December 6, 2013 – the federal government lowered home loan limits in both Broward & Miami Dade Counties as part of a nationwide reduction. Borrowers in Broward County can now obtain a FHA-backed mortgage for up to a of up to a maximum of $345,000 starting on January 1, 2014. The pr...
Once again, foreclosures are on the rise here in both Broward and Dade counties. On a national level, foreclosures are decreasing, however in our local area they will continue to rise into 2014. Why you may ask? Governor Rick Scott signed the Foreclosure Fast Track Bill, which is aiming at mo...
If you currently maintain your own website for your business, Google has implemented some changes of which you should be aware. Google has decided to provide “extra protection” for searchers by encrypting all search activity. What does this mean for your business? Simply put, you will no longe...
FEMA recently updated its FloodSmart website with new flood zones, as well as estimated costs of coverage for each area. Living in Florida, this is crucial for many of us as most of us are affected by at least some flooding during torrential rainstorms. Upon visiting FloodSmart, you can find...
Press Release Top Producer Latino Agent Chris Tello Places 9th Nationwide! Pembroke Pines, FL, August 21, 2013: Tello Team Real Estate, located in Pembroke Pines, congratulates Chris Tello on placing 9th nationwide as a top-producing Latino agent through the NAHREP (National Association of...
The Tello Team has just received some very important information regarding new Florida Laws for HOA's and wanted to share with you. The Florida Department of Professional Regulation (DBPR) announced this week that a new law created by Florida Legislature will impact Homeowner Associations (...