Hey There! Thank you for taking a few moments to read this tiny blog post. I really think times are a changing! Today I realized that more and more people are doing some form of barter with the younger 'working set'. I am refering to those recently out of high school, enrolled in college and
By Stacey Gibson "The way you live in your home and the way we market and sell your house are two different things!" -Barb Schwarz, The Creator of Home Staging. If you are like most people the largest asset that you own is your home. Thus, we take strides to properly maintain our homes, thus in
Selling, Buying or Just Living in your Home, Staging provides a comfortable, lovable and livable environment. Home sellers need to look at their home through the "buyer's eyes" before they list it for sale. This simply means looking at your home as someone else (your potential buyer) will se
Staging V. Decorating Staging is NOT decorating!! Many people think that by calling a Professional Stager someone will come to their house and decorate it. Not True!! With an Accredited Staging Professional (ASP) you will be introduced and educated about staging your house to sell FAST. ASP' St