Cherise Selley's (cheriseselley) Blog

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Selley Group Real Estate, LLC



  For many people in the United States, everything seems shaky at best.  Some of the most concrete foundations, whether externally or internally, seem to be collapsing.  But for those who are looking for a safe place to reside, Colorado Springs might be a great choice in which to live. According...
  It's been over a year and I still miss my Colorado Springs Real Estate puppy more now than ever!  When a deal was tough, Polo was there.  When I had huge victories, she rejoiced with me.  When I cried over the losses, she instantly became my lap dog ... all 55 pounds of her.  Believe it or not...
  Disclosure of previous problems?  Nahhhh!!   If there is mold, we won't tell you even if the last buyer cancelled the contract due to black mold.  If the home has structural issues, it's not our problem.  If there are repairs, it's on your dime.  BUT, make sure to get that earnest money cut to ...
      Our group of Colorado Springs Realtors had a blast at our Christmas party this year.  I don’t say this boastfully.  Nonetheless, when your company party begins around 6:30 p.m. and people are still hanging around at 2:00 a.m., then I would consider this endeavor as successful.   Times of ce...
  Eugenio J. Aleman, a Wells Fargo Senior Economist, rendered some lowdown about the economy and where the nation is really heading.   According to Rebecca Tonn, writer for the Colorado Springs Business Journal, “Aleman interspersed his one-two jabs of truth with humor to take the sting out of t...
Colorado Springs Real Estate – Commercial - just got a boost with the addition of Rudy’s, a Texas-based Country Store and BBQ Restaurant.   According to Scott Prater of the Colorado Springs Business Journal, “Springs-based Christofferson Commercial Builders, which has built all but three of the ...
In an article written by Amy Gillentine of the Colorado Springs Business Journal, President Tom Neppl of Springs Fabrication reports that its company will begin hiring in January 2010 to fill its largest contract of 8.1 million dollars.   Essentially, Springs Fabrication provides biological filt...
According to the National Association of Realtors, existing home sales for 2008 dropped 10% from 2007.  This was dismal as compared with the experts who had higher expectations, especially based on the low Federal interest rates.  But the brighter news about real estate markets began to peek thr...
Though this market has caused many Colorado Springs Realtors to significantly reduce their overheads, including important team members, I see some huge mistakes being made by others without careful consideration to the whole function of their real estate operations.   For instance, if you desire...
I’ve spent Sunday contemplating some deeper things about life.  Since this is the Christmas season, many of my thoughts wander toward my relationship with God, thanking Him for the opportunity to serve through the instrument of Colorado Springs Real Estate.   On my last blog I commented about pa...

Cherise Selley

Colorado Springs Realtor
local_phone(719) 598-5101
smartphone(719) 337-9779
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