This website is very helpful for you if you are looking for a good resource to explain the Federal Tax Credit for first time homebuyers: This new credit, which has no payback required, is helping certain pockets of our market to have more mov...
Every day in real estate should be a day of learning, and today was no exception. This is definitely something that all Brokers, Buyers, and Sellers need to be aware of: I am representing a Seller and her home is currently under contract. The Insurance Objection Deadline is coming up, and I re...
According to KRDO News yesterday, Obama signed the stimulus package that will give 2.8 billion dollars over next 2 years to the state of Colorado - out of that 2.8 billion dollars, 15 million dollars will be allocated for foreclosures. Will this make a dent? I really am anxious to find out!
Today, KRDO news in Colorado Springs interviewed me to see what my thoughts were concerning the economic impact of the Fort Carson troops arriving into Colorado Springs. Here is a few thoughts that I have about it: •· Of the 5,000 troops that I understand are coming back from Iraq as of this...
Today, I attended the Garden of the God's Bank Customer Advisory Meeting. This is one of the most productive groups that I am affiliated with, and appreciate participating with a group of people who are leaders in their own industry and have valuable input relevant to our marketplace. When shar...
Today, our Elite 25 group met and we had some discussion on sales in the Colorado Springs marketplace for homes over $700,000. If my ears were hearing correctly, there has been a 40% decline in homes sold over $700,000 for 2008 vs. 2007. There are many opportunities in the upper end market, in ...