Wow! I just posted my Market Report at 7:36 PM Eastern Time and it was indexed by Google before 7:51 PM. I'm still learning SEO, but wow 15 minutesto index isn't bad! I checked Google to see where it placed in the search results...It's on Page 7which doesn't seem bad for a new post with a rela
Broad Ripple Village Data Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of June 3rd 2009. May 2009 sales were down compared May 2008 (19 sold). Current Active Listings 78 Min Price: 99,900 Max Price: 489,900 16 Condo, 62 Single Family Pending Listings 16 Min Price:
Having the ability to receive a check for $8,000 when you file your taxes next year is almost as good as the invention of sliced bread; however, there are some things you should keep in mind or may not have been aware of. To qualify you must be one of two things: A true first time homebuyer You’
If you are a buyer interested in purchasing a home from HUD and you live in one of the states serviced by HMBI (property management company responsible for HUD homes in the 10 states they represent), this brief tutorial will explain to you how the bidding process works. If you are interested in
Couldn't get a good shot because I was hiding behind the door as I tried to capture this bunny in my front flower bed. It was nice to see the bunny as they (and the deer) have become scarce thanks to the vinyl village next to my neighborhood that destroyed a once nicely wooded area...
A friend here on ActiveRain had some questions about the Listing/Hit Router so I thought I'd post a quick tutorial to help her out and any others that may be wondering how it works.... To sum it up briefly, the Listing Router here on ActiveRain is a essentially a pay-per-click service. When you
Broad Ripple Village Data Following is the market report for the area known as Broad Ripple Village as of May 4th 2009. April 2009 sales were down compared April 2008 (13 sold); however, sales in April were much better than March 2009 with only 4 sold. More properties have been listed giving you
I did so well on Day 1 through 3 of the 31 Days to Build a Better Blog challenge...Well now it's Day 13 and I still have to catch up on days 4-13. What the heck happened? Distractions... I know, no excuse right? I'm so tired right now, I can barely hold my eyes open....Tomorrow I am doing volu
Some of you looking to purchase a home may be wondering how a a pre-qualification differs from a pre-approval. A Pre-Qualification letter essentially means you spoke to a lender about your desire to purchase a home...You let them know what your income is and your monthly obligations are (car pay
I just wanted to inform/remind my fellow REALTORS® about a webinar being held on Tuesday April 28th at 3:00 PM Eastern time. The webinar will explain the $8000 tax credit and how you can use this incentive to build a marketing program geared towards first time homebuyers. The link to register i