Colleen Cooley's (ccooley1) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - The Corcoran Group
When I show a listing, I always get there 10 minutes early. I like to make sure the lights are on, candles are lit, soft music is playing. In short, I set the stage. But wait a minute! Where are the players? I had a showing set this morning for 9:15 AM - confirmed last night.  Now it's 9:25. I'm ...
Other than Mother's Day, this past week in Jupiter, Florida, has been the busiest all year! And, from what I'm hearing and reading, all agree. My market reports so far this month surpass April's numbers... and I thought those were good. Speaking of Mother's day, did anyone do an open house that S...
With 18 years of the mortgage industry prior to becoming a Realtor in Jupiter. I can answer your question easily. The problem is most loan originators are 'order takers'. Few, understand how to deal with red flags prior to loan submission to the underwriter. If they do understand, chances are the...

Colleen Cooley

CRS - Jupiter Florida
local_phone(561) 747-7717
smartphone(561) 747-7717
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