Blue Asset Management & Blumenkehl Properties

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Blue Asset Management
Information about real estate asset management, property management, acquisitions and projects Blumenkehl companies are involved in
Having seen a few valleys and peaks since I entered into the business in 1977, its my experience that every market adjustment to the downside has brought with it, amongst other things, a "shaking of the tree", or  a decrease in the number of active agents in the business, as more agents leave for...
Here's a value added for your first time buyers;To help increase homeownership opportunities during this holiday season, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is launching its special "FHA Brings the Holidays Home" sales campaign. This campaign is especially designed for low- to mo...
 If you've ever had to move because of a job-related transfer, then you have experienced firsthand the multitude of detail and preparation needed for such a move, not to mention the emotional upheaval and physical wear and tear this relocation makes.  Now imagine that your transfer brings you and...
If you have ever thought about pursuing a career in Real Estate, we invite you to take our Real Estate Simulator and see if a career in Real Estate is for you!. The Real Estate Simulator uses video over the Internet to reproduce a series of common and challenging situations that Real Estate agent...
The internet is changing quicker in Real Estate than the brokers who are trying to harnass it. So many broker sites mirror what the broker thinks is important, and not the consumer. And other sites become a place to post listings with the thought that they act on the internet pretty much like ads...
Almost everybody has a dream home. A place they like to wander through in their thoughts, choosing imaginary wallpaper and putting in imaginary skylights, and for more and more people their dream home is becoming their reality because affordability is so favorable right now. There's never been a ...
Since I can remember, I have always thought Real Estate was a great investment. I remember as a little kid, maybe 11 or 12, thinking why doesn't everyone buy as many houses as they can. Of course, as I got older, my vision became tempered with the constraints of investment and homebuying, but I n...
As soon as they started using computers to send MLS data, (probably about 1985, in my market) I began to think about the notion of  how much better it would be if there were one MLS covering my state, as opposed to having to belong to a number of different MLS's, pay different (and seemingly redu...
Interesting article.   Discount real estate broker Foxtons pulls out of mid-HudsonLocal agents called to meeting, laid off By Michael LevensohnTimes Herald-Record January 11, 2007 Foxtons has moved out of the mid-Hudson.The discount real estate company laid off between 20 and 30 agents Saturday a...
I think warranties are a great marketing tool. They help you sell your house in a shorter period of time and for more money, much in the same way a warranteed car would sell quicker and for more money than an exact model with exact mileage and condition that wasn't warranteed. As a matter of fact...

Charles Blumenkehl

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Information from and updates about Charles Blumenkehl, Blue Asset Management & Blumenkehl Properties, Asset Managers and Operators of Real Estate in New Jersey, Florida and St. Thomas USVI