Lauren Williams's (casualuncluttering) Blog

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Casual Uncluttering LLC



I am perplexingly contradictorily humbled and crowingly proud that I've been asked to sit in volunteer service to my professional society, the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals, as a BCPO Exam Development Committee Subject Matter Expert. It's a position with the Bo...
"If you're an irredeemable jerk..." is just one pithy statement in Debbie Stanley's Ethical Pitfalls for Professional Organizers, 2019 First Digital Edition (location 1015, paragraph 3, and WOW, do I not get digital publishing citations!). I've been hunting this book FOREVER, no luck for a strong...
Deborah is a skillful, reassuring and patient listener! She asked me questions which got me thinking about my profession in fresh ways for our 2/17 chat: Calm Your Chaos Podcast will be featuring guests who will be sharing how they’ve managed to calm t...
And I was ready to give it my all for TWIF, The World is Fun, which pairs volunteers and service agencies. Kinda like online dating, with CLOUT - TWIF, in its 10 years, has generated $1.8M in hours to its partners. TWIF lists events which over 135 non-profits hold as fundraising or community oppo...
“Oh Baby! Storing Your Child’s Precious Pieces.” SpareFoot 2/12/2019 Cathie Ericson   So this is another online post which got my two cents. Somehow just seems right for Valentine's Day.  The onesie he wore home from the hospital. The gown she was christened in. The baby blanket that soothed away...
Ah, time to practice what I preach... Decluttering my office may be my own biggest personal challenge. Still, the ideas in this simple piece are easy. Tech, as the article suggests, I'm good about - out it goes!! Knickknacks, errrrmm. Make 2020 Your Most Productive Year Yet! 4 Fast Ways to Declut...
Once again, the devils designing Safeway Monopoly have demolished my expectations. The board - half the size it was last year. MAKES ME WANNA SHOUT.  No more draping it ooooo sooooo lovingly over the back of the coach, forlornly hoping to ward off vindictive creases and tears.Players are even mor...
Dinner at the table was often the first sacrifice to the mental illness of hoarding. That was my first, visceral reaction. So many of my potential clients refer to TV hoarding shows that I spent a weekend in bed, not feeling great, watching the first full season of each of the most popular three,...

Lauren Williams, CPO

Professional Organizer: Puget Sound homes
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