Please Keep in mind when you have a Vet for a client.... what they do to Serve our Country's Security and the Family Sacrifices that they make. VA Loans are easy to process and dont forget the 100% financing and NO monthly PMI..... Awesome for the troops. Bring em Home to a Home John + Sheri www....
We all know that what really sells a home is Kitchens and Baths. This area of repair can also soak up your budget too! So... a few ideas are small and inexpensive improvements such as Painting + Refinishing the tubs, sinks cabinets and counter tops with enamel paints or veneer countertops. Dont f...
Rates 1-2011 Key market information today:· The Consumer Confidence Index jumped 7.3 points in January, the most since May 2009, to its highest level since last spring. Economists expected only a modest gain of 1.9 points to 54.4, missing the actual reading by the most since August 200...
Distressed Home Sales are still Increasing Sales of Existing Homes rose 12.3 % in December 2010 which was well above expectations. Gains were broad based with increases in single family + Condo sales Distressed transactions however still account for a significant portion of total sales at 36% whi...
When You Bring You Buyer To one of our HOMECATCH open houses........ Simply have your Buyer Show your Agent Business Card + your REGISTERED...... Simple as That..... We Honor all our Hard Working Agents. Http://
IF he does what he says on rebuilding our infrastrusture + BRING THE JOBS BACK HOME + Tax the top 1% a 3% Tax increase... I see a good desire coming back to Middle Class. Write to your Congressperson and UNITE. Thx J C www.HomeCatch,com
UPSIDE DOWN WITH YOUR HOME?.... YOU'RE NOT ALONE.. If you're getting financially squeezed between your income and your homes negative value ..... you may want to think about a Short Sale before you go into Foreclosure. If your mortgage payments are becoming too steep in comparison to your incom...
FHA lowers credit scores This is great news, and may help past clients for whom were told - could not get approved! Here again are some general guidelines: FHA guidelines for lower credit scores: 580 - 599: max financing - 95%500 - 579 : max financing - 90%All the down payment monies, must come f...
Update for Middletown Twp Bucks County Homeowners Use & Occupancy Cert The Township Meeting was December 6th and thanks to all the realtors that came out, Middletown is now reconsidering bringing back the Mandatory Use & Occupancy for all resales. Remember if you are not grandfathered in, your...
Wells Fargo looks like the first to reduce acceptance of lower Fico scores for Buyers .... In three years the Banks are easing up on the squeezing of a good Buyer. Check out this Link John + Sheri