This is a traditional style Sailors Valentine that I made for my husband office. I may enter it in the Sanibel Island , Florida Shell Show this March. I entered for a few years and have not been able to go for several years now. Sailors made or bought this type of Art Work while on sailing trip
I was delighted to come across this yard full of pumpkins in Orem, Utah. I took some photos and then of course I had to buy a few. Some of them had warts on the outside which added some extra personality. The children were drawn immediatley to the unusual warted variety. All that or
I am a advocate of Food and other kinds of emergency storage. I was made aware of this Free Sample of Daily Bread and decided to pass it on. Give it a try. I have been planning to do some posts of Emergency Storage and maybe this will get me going on that.
My first attempt at a slide show. I will have to give it some more tries on home listings etc. I have title it Utah Sky.
09/15/2009 To go along with the quote "The Best Things In Life Are Free" I ran onto this article provided by This is their 3rd Annual list of Fabulous Freebies. There is alot of v
The 36 Hour Day If you are caring for aging parents (particularly with demensia) than this book will give you some greatly neede insight. Not only into their feelings but your own. I can see it will be a reference book as time goes by. Also reassures you on some of the choices you are maki
I enjoy watching the Perseid Meteor shower every August in the Vernal, Utah Sky. This year the best time is between 2-3 am August 12 MST. Just lay outside and watching the sky as the lights pass by above. Sometime we go up on the mountain to watch away from the city lights. A much brighter sh
It is time again for the annual Uintah County fair in Vernal Utah. This year the fair will provide lots of fun starting Saturday August 8, and ending Saturday August 15, 2009. The theme is "Fishing for Fun" and if you are close to Vernal that week, stopping by and checking out what the fair has t
Recently heading toward Vernal I could not pass up snapping a few shots of this incredible double and full rainbow! It was the most brilliant rainbow I have ever seen in my entire life. The dark sky was an excellent backdrop....Other drivers were
I always believed growing up in Billings, Montana was a wonderful thing. We owned our first home when I was starting grade school. We had great fun at that House. The cement pads were handy for roller skating and skate boarding. I remember being able to roller skate in the basement before it w