If you claim status as a tax law–defined real estate professional who can deduct his or her rental property losses, your time record for the year must prove that you spent more than one-half of your personal service time in real property trades or businesses in which you materially participate,...
The first good news is that you can be both real estate investor and real estate dealer with respect to your real estate portfolio in the Redlands, California and surrounding areas..The next good news is that you are in control, and by knowing just a few rules about dealer and investor classifica...
Your rental properties provide tax shelter when you can deduct your losses against your other income. One step to deducting the losses is to pass the tax code’s 750-hour test. And one step to finding the hours you need to pass the time test may be your drive times.Trzeciak CaseMariam Trzeciak own...
Respond immediately to an email contact requestIf the “contact us” email address listed on your website really means contact you, you’ll quickly be overwhelmed by the number of emails awaiting your reply. And responding days later isn’t an option. Waiting even 30 minutes to make contact decreases...
Let’s face it, there are a ton of software options for your business. Some are free, some are a little pricey, and some are industry specific. In the end, if you are still relying on a legal pad and an Excel spreadsheet to do business, you’re missing out. This isn’t about QuickBooks (although y...
Nobody likes to be sold to. Not one single person on Earth enjoys having products or services relentlessly shoved in their face. It's why the stereotype of the "sleazy used-car salesman" is such a popular trope in entertainment. He's easy to vilify because that's all he does: "sell to" people lik...
Don’t let thieves feel at home in your home- especially if they are moving into it remotely! The widespread distribution of Wi-Fi networks and enabled devices means that tech-savvy thieves can easily hack into your network and potentially steal critical information about you, your family, and you...
Redlands, CA – November 09, 2018. Juan Carlos Samaniego, EA, has earned the prestigious Fellow designation from the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA) for completing the three levels of the National Tax Practice Institute (NTPI®) in Orlando, Florida.This achievement demonstrates Carlo...
It’s no secret that many Americans struggle to pay their bills. It’s even stranger to think how many in “middle” class live nearly paycheck to paycheck, but consumerism and marketing are hard to avoid.It’s likely that the numbers of Americans that are actually in the red based on the mortgage th...
The days when you could convert your rental property or vacation home to a principal residence in Redlands, CA or any other part of the country, and then use the full $250,000/$500,000 home-sale exclusion to avoid taxes are gone. Here’s how the $250,000/$500,000 exclusion works today. You must di...