Dryer vent cleaning is the number one prevention of clothes dryer fires. When dryer vent systems become clogged with lint, air flow is restricted, causing the dryer motor to labor. As a result, clothes take longer to dry and you will experience higher energy bills. When a clothes dryer isn't ...
When dryers fail to function properly the problem is usually caused by restricted air flow St. Paul, MN - Carl Hein owns and operates Dryer Vent Wizard in St. Paul, Minnesota. He specializes in all dryer exhaust issues. When clothes dryers fail to function properly the problem is usually due ...
Most clothes dryer fires are the result of poor maintenance; dryer vent cleaning is the number one defense against dryer fires Minneapolis, MN - Carl Hein, owner of Dryer Vent Wizard, is a dryer vent cleaning technician servicing the Twin Cities, Minnesota area. During a recent interview, Carl...
Home, yard and appliance maintenance are a never ending project; there is always something that requires a homeowner's attention. Whether for looks, durability, safety or efficiency, all home maintenance is essential to keep things in working order. The most common appliance maintenance issue ...
Clothes dryers are the simplest of appliances to use; so simple, we allow our children to operate them! They are a wonderful convenience, and they are often taken for granted. Throw in a load of wet clothes, turn it on, go shopping and return to take out dry clothes to be folded and put away. ...
Appliance maintenance is essential to prolong its life and efficiency. Most people are aware of this as they schedule maintenance and cleaning for their furnace or clothes dryer. Once a year is usually sufficient; however, if you have a large family and you're doing more than the average amount...
"Don't Let Your Dryer Start a Fire, Keep Your Home Safe & Sound" are part of Dryer Vent Wizard's ongoing campaign promoting dryer vent safety & fire protection Minneapolis, MN--According to the US Fire Administration, dryer fires account for an average of $15,000 dryer fires annually. Carl He...
Carl was upset when he heard that a dryer fire broke out in a local apartment building, costing many occupants their home Minneapolis, MN--Recent news reported a clothes dryer fire in an apartment building causing serious damage and leaving occupants homeless. Thankfully, there were no injuri...
Don't let your dryer start a fire; keep your home safe and sound. Dryer Vent Wizard professionally inspects and cleans clothing dryers for homeowners and in commercially-owned buildings. Poorly maintained dryer vents cause fire hazards and cost substantially more to operate. Why Dryer Ve...
According the to the US Fire Administration, dryer vent fires cause damages of over $88 million, in addition to deaths and injuries, annually. There is a need for increased consumer awareness on proper installation and maintenance of dryer vent systems. Failure to clean is reported as the numbe...