Building your own home, is that one of your dreams? Sure is for many. You go on dreaming and dreaming, do some checking with the building department in regards to how much the permits would cost you. You keep on checking, occasionaly, what else it takes. In the meantime, you are looking for that ...
Oakridge Mobile home park, Sylmar, who burnt to the ground mid November last year are now getting their insurance money and are out there, looking for another mobile home to purchase. Some where lucky and got their insurance money as early as mid-January, others are still fighting their insurance...
Oakridge Mobile home park on fire in Sylmar, the Sayre fire only 10% contained! The most beautiful mobile home park is almost completely destroyed by the Sayre fire. Sylmar, a community in east San Fernando Valley, is on fire as we speak. A gorgeous, gorgeous family mobile home park with large sp...
I'm a positive person, always been, hope to always be but in this kind of economy, even I am starting to worry. No, I am NOT going to gloom and doom, only brings you down. I'll take the kitty approach instead! Purr and purr and you WILL get LOVE! Somebody will pet you and life is GOOD again! My ...
Time has come and rightfully so. Still, it's a sad day when you realize the implications this will have. WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I TALKING ABOUT? Got a call from my broker yesterday, all doom and gloom. His listing from the lender was whole saled off, being pulled out from the park. Going somewhere ...
I'm not a cat person. Never have, never will. However, I do love my cats! No, I did not buy them or were giving them to me. Mine are all ferral. Three different litters, all born in my carport by ferral moms. Abandonded. Long story short, my neighbor was the "cat lady", feeding all the strays. Th...
Closed escrow today. My buyer is extatic. Could not stop praising me. What did I do? Nothing extra-ordinary, just my job. This is one lucky fellow. Had no down payment, no money for closing costs and everything else. So, how did he do it? Through a friend, got in contact with one generous irish m...
On my quest for a slide show a day, went to Paradise Ranch yesterday afternoon to take the pictures. Started the climb of the grapevine down from Lake Hughes Road and Interstate 5 to go the final five minutes up the freeway. Trucks everywhere and no, I don't like fighting big rigs on the freeway ...
Not too long ago did I discover Actually, I made my first slide on August 26 and since then I have created 59! My goal was one a day and so far I'm three ahead. I use the slides for my listings, for sellers and buyers and for the various communities that I serve (mobile home ...
I LOVE where I live, going on 8 years now. No, it is not an easy place to live and my gas bill proves it! Not to talk about the time I spend, driving back and forth to work. However, this is my choice of living and if I decided to move out, it would cost me MORE! Lake Hughes, California, a place ...