Bullhead City Fort Mohave Mohave Valley Commercial Investment Real Estate

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Commercial Real Estate Agent - Next Wave RE Investments LLC Bullhead City AZ Commercial RE Broker - AZ BR 528507000
Bullhead City 86442 Fort Mohave 86426 Mohave Valley 86440 AZ Commercial Investment Real Estate
HOW do we measure success?Track record.Experience.Knowledge.Bank account.and so on, and so on . . .  We set goals, write business plans, make projections and fret if things change in ways that don't sit well. Some worry about 'who is ahead of them' and strive to catch up or overtake someone else'...
SOLD - 2370 E Northern Ave, Kingman AZ 86401#KingmanAZCommercialRealEstate#KingmanAZIndustrial#MohaveCountyCommercialRealEstateThis 4 unit retail/industrial zoned County C2/1A (which is a general commercial acreage zoning that allows open lot display) turned out to be a fantastic deal for our buy...
It's all negotiation, right?Come in low, they'll counter, back and forth till you get a better deal than you might have putting your best offer forward.Unless they don't. Unless you don't.We got one of those this week. 40 cents on the dollar on a scarce property in a desirable area. Seller instru...
🎼You're so vain . . . you probably think this song is about you.🎼I suppose it is anxiety from so much isolation these days . . . but I find it troubling that people 'just can't let shiz GO' and seem to want to come back over and over pointing fingers about ancient history.There is a shocking lack...
SOLD - 3003 Highway 95 #63, Bullhead City AZ 86442Bullhead City AZ CommercialBullhead City AZ MedicalMohave County AZ Commercial Buyer RepresentationA medical consulting firm out of CA purchased this 2600 SF surgery center in the Palo Verde Professional Plaza on January 22, 2021 for $440,000.Next...
I did not land in AZ initially when we came from LA, CA in 1993. We first landed in Laughlin, NV, an awesome little casino town that is still just a stone's throw away.THERE WAS A LADY we marvelled at. We used to see her walking up and down Needles Highway between the stores. This lady clearly ha...
#FortMohaveCommercialRealEstate#BullheadCityCommercialRealEstate#MohaveCountyCommercialRealEstate Winter 2020, the focus shifts from Mohave County Commercial Real Estate owner-users to investors and tenants wanting to settle into a new site before the first of year, or finish a 1031. The inventor...
This is gonna be short and sweet. Maybe not so sweet.  Maybe not all that short. But pretty short. So I'm in this dowsing group (that I looove) and a member said that she was told to build  her confidence . . . and that she should 'stand up for herself more'. I thought to myself, "It actually tak...
#FortMohaveCommercialRealEstate#BullheadCityCommercialRealEstate#MohaveCountyCommercialRealEstate Fall 2020 finds Bullhead City and Fort Mohave commercial real estate moving fast and furious . . . We love presenting our exceptional Fort Mohave commercial properties for sale and lease. Check them ...
 1689-1691 E Lipan Blvd, Fort Mohave AZ 86426Fort Mohave Commercial Industrial Real EstateMohave County AZ Commercial Real EstateMohave County AZ Industrial Property  1689 + 1691 E Lipan Blvd, Fort Mohave AZ 86426   Overview Maps Photos Features Description $1,500,000 Commercial Main Features 2 H...

Candice A. Donofrio

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