An article by CNBC described it this way."On days like this, I think it's important to go back to the ol' mortgage primer and figure out exactly what all this news means to you, to your mortgage, to your home equity line and to your home's financial future. I've said it before, and I'll say it ag
We have a glorious full moon upcoming on Tuesday, January 22nd. I celebrate such events. It's quite possible my love of full moons began while as a young child being read Goodnight Moon by my mother over and over night after night. That reassuring story and the gentle melody of my mum's voice com
Can we possibly be any luckier than we are?Living in the shadow of mighty Mount Philo, we don't even have to get into our car to reach the mother of all sledding hills.For those of you looking for the best sledding on the planet, look no further! When our glorious state park, which has won awards
Based upon information provided by the Northwestern Vermont Board of Realtors (NVBR) as of today for the year of 2007, there were 1,678 residential, townhouse/condo and land units sold within all towns in Chittenden County with a total listed volume of $499,610,659. Divide this number by the unit
Based upon information provided by the Northwestern Vermont Board of Realtors (NVBR) as of today for the month of November 2007, there were 14 residential units sold within Burlington Vermont with a total listed volume of $3,764,279. Divide this number by the units sold (14) and you get an averag
Based upon information provided by the Northwestern Vermont Board of Realtors (NVBR) as of today for the month of December 2007, there were 109 total units sold within all towns in Chittenden County with a total listed volume of $35,610,105. Divide this number by the units sold (109) and you get
Based upon information provided by the Northwestern Vermont Board of Realtors (NVBR) as of today for the month of December 2007, there were 5 residential units sold within the town of Stowe Vermont with a total listed volume of $4,888,000. Divide this number by the units sold (5) and you get an a
Let's face it. My driveway in Charlotte Vermont was not designed by the Army Corps of Engineers (hmmmm or maybe it WAS...). Winter poses its challenges turning fancy schmancy SUV's into helpless sleds. In my third winter, I've learned a few tricks. But last night, our driveway claimed her first c