When we originally craft our dreams, we’re hopeful about achieving them. We construct goals and plans around them to improve our chances of success. Then, along the way, we experience a setback or two, we miss a milestone, an outcome doesn’t quite live up to our expectations, we begin to complain...
by Brian Buffini Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” Your thoughts have power. If you have a positive mindset and seek out positivity, it’ll give you confidence in your abilities and knowledge. When you’re confident, anything can happen. The ...
We all experience setbacks from time to time. One setback is frustrating; however, when we experience more than one at the same time, it can make us feel like the world’s biggest failure. At this point, many people feel tempted to give up. In his new book, Finish First: Winning Changes Everything...
By Joe NiegoThe end of the year is a very social time. You have Halloween and fall activities like hay rides and pumpkin and apple picking. Then you have Thanksgiving and all of the holiday festivities associated with Christmas and Hanukah. There are so many opportunities to connect with your cli...
Homeownership is considered a “safe” long-term investment, which is part of the reason many people aspire to purchase a home in the first place. Mortgages allow people to achieve their goal of homeownership much sooner than if they had to save the entire amount upfront. For some homeowners, once ...
Have you ever made a mistake and dwelled on it, focusing on what you could have done differently and beating yourself up for not making the right choice? We’ve all done it from time to time. Perhaps you didn’t get that highly coveted listing whose commission would’ve allowed you to meet your fina...
Humans are naturally intuitive, and while we may not rely on our intuition as much these days to help us survive, we may use it in smaller ways each day without realizing it. One of the most recognizable ways is in the energy we feel daily when going places, meeting people or doing certain activi...
Only three months left of 2018: Are you on track to achieve your goals? Here are several Buffini & Company events that are sure to motivate you to surpass your 2018 goals and start thinking about your 2019 goals. Mining for diamonds in MontereyBrian Buffini’s Success Tour™ is off to Monterey, CA ...
Did you know the number one thing that plagues people is self-doubt? When you don’t believe in yourself, your abilities and/or your future it can have terrible consequences to your self-esteem, your relationships and even your productivity and performance. How do you know you’re suffering from lo...
Did you know that nearly seven in ten Americans are unhappy? It’s not hard to see why – just look around. We’re bombarded with negativity, from the 24-hour constant doom-and-gloom news cycle to the eternal pessimists in our lives. Unfortunately, this negativity has become the norm. As a result, w...