William's Minnesota Blog...with a smile!

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - WHISPERING PINES REALTY - 20398180
Well, it is probably a shock to some to see  my post.I disappeared about a year ago.All I can say is life happens.I got out of the habit of posting and because of family and someother endeavors I stayed away.Not sure If I will be around much, but I thought I would say that...Hey all, I am ok, and...
Well, last year we had major snow in April andas it looks now we will get hit once again in April. I have put away my shovels and took the plow off of my truck.I will take the shovels out of storage, but I am not sure about the plow on the truck.At least it is going to warm soon after. BE patient...
 We really need to be very precise on our instructions.What sounds like a very simple statement can have major issues in the actual meaning.This can make a big difference in the written or verbal statements we make.So, stop and think before you speak.It could save you a lot of money.  
Yes, this world is funny.What is the law one day is not really the same the next.WE fight over water rights.WE fight over the solar collectors.WE are told not to cut down a tree and the that w HAVE to cut one down. This leads to one more the Government has mandated...      
Yes the pressure is off of the rodent.Spring is well on it's way.It has unfortunately happened over night and that has caused a lot of damage.And, we are not out of the woods as of yet.So those in the flood areas, Please be safe.It is a dangerous time right now.  
Yes, tonight is the night for the only super moon of the year.Now for people who don't understand it is a great time to peer at the sky.The moon will be at it's brightest and closest for the entire year.Tonight is a great night to look at the moon and observe.So, set up the telescopes and do some...
Well, I actually got some work done this early afternoon.With some thing on my plate for this week I WILL be busy most of the week.Spring is on the way, but I don't always have much free time.Many times I do have some time and I wonder...     
My family has always been one to celebrate special dates.And  one of the ways we did was to roast the person of honor.We have l ways been a group that loves to laugh.We pick on each other without anyone getting mad.The roasts were normally handled by myself.Mostly because I was the one who could ...
There is nothing worse than someone who rambles on about nothing.That goes 10 fold when the rambler is an agent that does not listen.Agents need to learn to shut up and listen to the potential clients.People will foam at the mouth when given the chance.It is our duty to get any and all informatio...
Here is a challenge.You must look at the saying and read it ot loud.But I bet you can't get it right the first time.I could be wrong, but for most I will bet the farm.So, Scroll down and don't study it.Just read it out loud.     Well?

William Feela

Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
local_phone(651) 674-7449
smartphone(651) 674-5999
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Buying Real Estate should be fun...if you are looking in Chisago and Pine counties or anywhere in Minnesota, call me and let me show you that Buying a home is not all pain.