There's so much hype right now with the tax credit deadline nearing. I'm curious if (A) you think the first time home buyer tax credit should be extended, and (B), Why? Also, does anybody know when we will find out if there is going to be an extension?
The home is new construction, however, has been vacant and closed up for 3 years. Buyers rarely request radon inspections in this area because of the sand soil. EPA Guideline is 4 and below in order to pass inspection. The inspector mentioned an air exchanger would most likely get the radon lev...
We haven't seen much of this strategy, until recently. This particular property is being marketed at 1/2 of "market value". The traffic is steady and offers are coming in. It will be very interesting to see what this property actually sells for. This is "bank owned".
All inspections have been satisfied and completed, contingencies have been removed. We have the "clear to close" from Mortgage. At the closing table, the call comes in that Underwriting has now rejected the mortgage due to one of the buyers giving two weeks notice at their place of employment. ...
Business is picking up in the Brainerd Lakes Area. Three of the seven contracts I've been negotiating have come together, sellers are coming to the market, and buyers have a higher level of confidence and are taking advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase a property at a low...
This fire happened yesterday, early evening. It happens to be near and dear to my heart, because it is my niece's first house. Have you ever shown a house that had candles burning? Ironically, just the other day, I learned my Seller had "several candles burning, in fact they were in every room...
Do you tell them there is an unpleasant odor in their house, and you're not sure what it is. But it isn't good. Let's find out what it is, and get rid of it before we list. Do you tell them the hardware on the cabinetry gives the kitchen an outdated look, and for a few hundred dollars or less t...
Definition of Market Value Here's the definition of market value used by the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO). Market value is the major focus of most real property appraisal assignments. Both economic and legal definitions of market value have been developed and refined. A ...
After some discussion, my Seller finally agreed to list with me at my price. His property had expired after being on the market with another broker for 1 1/2 years. He was reluctant to drop his price, however, I wasn't willing to take the listing unless he was willing to compete in this market...
There is no concrete slab; the wooden floor was built directly on the top of sand ground. The foundation is wood also. The home was built in 2000 and apparently codes have changed since then. There has been discussion with regard to wood foundations as well. I'm wondering if you have any thou...