July 4th is just around the corner! They'll be lots of fun, food and fireworks. Enjoy the day. But keep in mind what we are celebrating. Our freedom and the nation we live in. On July 4th, 1776 we declared our independance and have held it ever since. But not without the great sacrifices of...
Homes for Heroes Affiliate in Texas helps another Hero! The Villas"Wow, where do we begin?!?! Homes for Heroes not only helped us find our dream home, they saved us $2,374 in the process. Our Realtor calmed our home buyer jitters and made this a fun and exciting process! This was our seco...
Found a new group of business people stepping up to help our heroes. And you'd probably never guess who! ....Lawyers. It's great to see different professionals stepping forward and providing free or discounted services to our Heroes. My hats off to them. Check out their web site and tell the ...
Father's Day was another opportunity to Talk with my dad about what he remembers about being in the Services. As a young man in Minnesota - he sold his tractor and nine cows and joined the army. Patriotism ran very deep back then. Now days there are also these men and women who give all for th...
With so many Military Bases on the east coast it was just a matter of time before Heroes, Realtors and Lenders there heard about the Homes For Heroes program. Recently new Affiliates in North Carolina, Virginia and New York have joined our program to serve the Heroes in their area and broaden the...
Recently a Realtor posted a blog regarding her interpretation of our Homes For Heroes marketing program. And everyone is entitled to there views. This Realtor must already have a program in place to give back to the community that works. Some Realtors are looking for a way to give back and dif...
Until your good name is besmirched. Homes for Heroes in the past has taken people leveraging our brand as flattery. We often ask if they would like to continue to use our good name by joining forces with us, and if they do not want to we are okay with that decision also. But recently something ...
This week has been interesting. I'm learning that not everything is as it seems, or you trust it is. There are alot of great charities out there that are doing alot of good. But this week I got my Google Alert - and it presented a guy using our trademarked Homes for Heroes name and using it to fu...
As Memorial Day approaches - it reminds us of the incredible sacrifices our heroes have made for us. Service deserves it's rewards - but it seems like a lot of veterans have been passed by some how. Please take a minute in the coming weeks to reach out and say thanks to the veterans in your com...
It's time Homes For Heroes reaches out to the rest of the country. There are "Heroes" in every community in this great nation of ours - we need to find them and help them. Their devoted service to our country and it's people deserves our special attention. If you're a Realtor, Lender, or Real ...