Hilary Erickson's (bloggers) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Pulling Curls



Houses are full of all types of fluids!Let's talk a little about different types of fluids, and the best way to clean them up around your home!Clear Bodily Fluids:  Things like urine or amniotic fluid can be easily cleaned up with a towel or something.  The problem, of course, is the smell.  I li...
Family Vacations are such an important time for families to bond, have shared experiences and unplug and just be together.However, it can be hard to afford both a home they LOVE and the vacation of their dreams!Today I'm going to share some of my favorite budget travel trips much like I talk abou...
Realtors spend a LOT of time in the car.  Of course, when you have clients, you can spend that time wisely, but when you're on your own -- what are some ways to make car time a little more fun, and possibly productive as well. :)1.  Audiobooks:  Now, Audible is SO expensive!  It seems like everyo...
Cold and Flu season is here!  Horray!  {Note sarcasm font}Cold & flu season happens from mid-October through March (although you can catch both a cold and/or the flu any time of the year -- that is when it is most prevalent).While I strongly recommend that all people get a flu shot (pregnant wome...
Having small kids changes EVERYTHING Ten years ago, when we were first married, I fell in love with the idea of tiny house living. I loved that there wasn't a ton of space for clutter - (who needs a bunch of stuff anyways?!), I loved that there wasn't much to clean, I loved that we were saving PI...
Moving can be such a hassle!The packing, the cleaning, the preparation of your OLD and NEW home. While some people thrive on the excitement and change that comes with moving, most people don't look to it with much anticipation. However, there are ways to make it just a little bit simpler and less...
One of the greatest benefit to living in the 21st century -- is being able to learn online.While the internet is certainly FULL of information, there are also traps you can fall in, where false information is portayed as true.As a nurse, I have seen how frequently, many people tout THEIR birth ex...

Hilary Erickson

Pulling Curls is a family lifestyle blog
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