Real Estate Coaching & Training

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Education & Training - Bill Fields Learning Systems
Tips and techniques to help real estate professionals make more money in less time and enjoy their life more.
In my real estate training I always ask agents what holds them back from achieving their dreams—or even daring to take them seriously? If you're like most people, the first answer that comes to mind may be lack—lack of money, lack of opportunity, lack of some other external commodity or circumsta...
Do you ever wonder why certain individuals seem to achieve so much during their lives? In my real estate training groups it seems people who accomplish success are often viewed as being different, strange or just plain lucky. Some even think they have a secret formula for success. But if you were...
One day a man was walking along the beach, when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw t...
After 25 years of real estate training I have realized that even though thoughts, ideas and imagination are very powerful, you can get nothing by just thinking, idealizing or imagining; you must also take action. Action is the bridge between your ideas and their accomplishment. You have to seriou...
In one of my real estate training sessions somebody once told me, if you want to be successful you have to love what you do, but I don’t think that is necessarily true, do you? What is true is that you have to love having the opportunity to do something. The opportunity to build a better life, a ...
One of my favorite attractions here in Tampa Bay is Busch Gardens where you can find an unlikely duo that has been paired up and park animal experts expect the friendship to last a lifetime. It’s been one year since Kasi the Cheetah and Mtani the Yellow Labrador Retriever first met and became bes...
In my real estate training sessions this week I was sharing how I have been blessed with a wonderful granddaughter who is constantly teaching me important lessons about life. Spend any time with toddlers and you quickly come to a realization that they are always on the move, never wanting to stop...
Seriously. Do you feel proud of the effort you put forth and he results you receive? Are you proud of the effort you are putting into your business? What about the effort you put into your business last week? Aristotle identified pride as the crown of the virtues, distinguishing it from vanity, t...
Have you ever heard that our subconscious mind is stupid? Yes, it only obeys the commands it receives. Good or bad. It doesn’t know the difference between something that is real or imagined. For example, I was once driving in the car with a friend and asked him if he was afraid of snakes. Before ...
Thursdays are the days we reserve for real estate training that is focused on technology and today we are talking about the importance of Klout. Klout is important to you even if you aren’t currently using it! Klout provides social media analytics to measure a user’s influence across social netwo...

Bill Fields

local_phone(727) 341-1962
smartphone(727) 458-7640
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Author Bio: Author, entrepreneur, educator, motivator and cancer survivor, Bill Fields is one of those rare individuals who actually does what he talks about and he has the resume to prove it.