Beth Baker Owens's (bethbakerowens) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Your Castle Real Estate
The geese were back again and brought some friends with them.  Nearly 50 in all.  The pond is slowly thawing in the recent warm days after the very cold snap. Some of the geese stood on the ice.  Because the top of the ice was wet, it looked like they were standing on top of the water!  Very stra...
On New Year's eve Congress passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. Included in this dense bill are two items of interest for residential real estate. 1. EXCLUSION FROM INCOME OF CANCELLATION OF DEBT ON QUALIFIED PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE Section 202: Forgiven debt from a loss on the foreclosur...
This small neighborhood has what it takes to keep you comfortable. The amenities within 1 mile of the homes!!!   *  Great restaurants close by--especially JP's Asian Bistro.  Here's a look at their menu: . Everyone I've taken there has thought the food was gre...
What do you notice when you think about where you live? Year end can bring a moment or two of reflection. Here are a few reasons that it's good to live in Roxborough:  *I rarely hear any traffic from my house. *This week, a fox crossed the road right in from of my car, trotted up the sidewalk, tu...
On Thanksgiving Day, two small flocks of geese were enjoying the pond in the open space behind my home, about three dozen in all.  A small group of ducks was swimming nearby.  Backlit by the sun, couldn’t tell what they were….some sort of diving (as opposed to dipping) duck.  While I stood watchi...
Saw a hawk this morning checking out the smorgasboard for breakfast in the open space behind the house. The hawk's there regularly in all seasons. I was thinking about summer mornings as the frost made things glisten today. From the back deck on summer mornings, we see the hot air balloons launch...
Q. Which is cheaper 2 Starbucks coffees a day or a 1 Bedroom ski in condo in Breckenridge? A. The coffees by $1.61/day!   The Mountain Markets are Recovering! Jefferson, Summit, and Eagle counties are showing improvements in the real estate market this year. These markets are between 18 and 24 mo...
  There’s no place quite like Roxborough.  The sunrise these autumn days is stunning!  The foothills outside my window are painted orange, and the moon sets directly above them.   An assortment of princesses, pirates, vampires, Doras, Ninjas, zombies, and fairies visited my doorstep for Halloween...
  The sunrise on the foothills was gorgeous today from my bedroom window.  What a fantastic way to wake up! Curious about the sunrise and sunset times to catch the Colorado sunrise? Check them here at the table
  November 3, 2012 Real Estate Investor Success Summit Fall 2012 - Tom Martino Keynote Speaker! Starts: 8:00 am Ends: 5:00 pm, November 3, 2012 Location: PPA Event Center - 2105 Decatur St., Denver Description: Please join us for another FULL DAY real estate education event with NO SALES PITCHES!...

Beth Baker Owens

Local Knowledge & Total Commitment
smartphone(303) 550-2941
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