Doea anyone have a recomendation for a novice who wants to develop a web page. this is not for my real estate site, as Keller Williams provides excellent templates for that. I've tried NVU and WEBeasy and neither one is very user friendly. Any other thoughts with what you've used successfully? Mi...
These thoughts have a lot of impact on us as members of a family, as real estate professionals and in how we relate to others. This is written from a Christian perspective and i make no apologies for that. Romans 14: 10 "Why do you criticize and pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you ...
GOD IS ALWAYS SPEAKING TO HIS CHILDRENIt would be unthinkable for me to go into my Father's living room, sit with him for four hours and never have him say anything to me. That just wouldn't happen. Perhaps some of you had a real dysfunctional home where that kind of thing would happen. But real...
Carter‘s Cool Thoughts on "Average" People Who Excel •· Learn self-discipline. Average achievers stay glued to their chairs and postpone pleasure so they reap future rewards. •· Bring out the best in people. •· Recruit talented, self-disciplined people. •· Develop ...
I keep following the ongoing soap opera with Brett Favre leaving, coming back, leaving, and coming back. He has formally asked the Packers to release him and they won't do it. He's welcome to come back to Green Bay, but only as Aaron Rodgers backup. I could not imagine letting him go and then we ...
I'm still learning my way around the Real estate world and would like to hear from those who have an opinion on the Senate passing the foreclosure rescue plan today? The vote was 63 - 5 (where was the rest of the Senate????) Michael Carter, Realtor 421 SE Main Street, Suite 201 Simpsonville, SC 2...
1. Hate your sin, but never hate yourself. 2. Be quick to repent. 3. When God gives you light, walk in it. 4. Stop saying negative things about yourself. God loves you and it's wrong to hate what He loves. He has great plans for you, so you're in conflict with Him when you speak negatively c...
I don't remember where I came across this "Letter" but it's one of the funniest things i've ever read. I thought many of you might enjoy it as well. Perhaps you might even know someone who is this type of personality. If so, let me hear from you! BANNED FROM WALMART...........This is why women s...
Unlike some things in life, we can choose our outlook. Sometimes we just need a reminder that happiness can often simply be a result of choosing attitudes: " I woke up early today, excited over all the things I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfil tod...
I came across this news item today and wanted to know if anyone has tried it: "One-time $30 cost. Attensa for Outlook is a great tool for subscribing to news feeds, blogs and web site news. It sets up a folder in your Outlook with your news sources and brings your custom news in to read when you ...