St. Louis Home Inspector

Home Inspector -
I provide professional home inspections in and around the St. Louis area. Please visit or call 314-805-2137 for further details.
***Important******A business website does not have to befancy or win any design awards to workwell.*** Sites work best when they:1. Convey professionalismIn terms of design, ***a business websitein 2008 should be somewhat conservativewith little to no loud graphics,overly busy animations, wild co...
08/03/2008 Licensing of home inspectors only sets a minimum standard.  Much like being up to code, any less would be illegal.  Imaginary people, children, psychics (who claim to "sense" if a house is OK) and even pets can be home inspectors.  Other home inspection associations...
For those who hasn't seen it yet your missing a great blog between home inspectors and real estate agents over at....  
Buying a home?  The process can be stressful.  A home inspection is supposed to give you peace of mind, but often has the opposite effect.  You will be asked to absorb a lot of information in a short time.  This often includes a written report, checklist, photographs, environmental reports and wh...
You work way to hard for your money.  Don't blow it on a website!  Take the steps below to save yourself alot of money.  Websites are simple to get going if you just sit down and take some time to learn how they work.  Everything you need for a site except hosting can litterly be found for FREE. ...
Coming Together is a Beginning, Keeping Together is Progress, Working Together is Success!    