Barry Wolfert's (barrywolfert) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Keller Williams Realty Consultants



I have to share my recent frustrations on getting and giving feedback when showing listings.  We, as agents, are part of a large but very intertwined community. Chances are you will show many listings of a particular agent in your market over time.  You may even coop with them on a few.  Since we...
In a down market, I am always looking for a way to differentiate my listings.   I have added several agent and buyer bonuses as an incentive to get showings and hopefully generate an offer.   On the buyer side, do the bonuses make a difference or should we just drop the price by the amount?  For ...
One of the first things sellers want to know from an agent is: "What price do you recommend we list at?"  Once you give them a number, the tone for the rest of the meeting is set based on what their expectations were.  I try to take the list price and put it in context of what they will be nettin...
I've read and heard many opinions on ho to set up a home for sale.  Declutter, neutralize paint and wallpaper, etc.  What about removing personal items such as family photos, college degrees, posters, etc? In my opinion, as long as they are not offensive or excessive, I feel it is fine to leave p...

Barry Wolfert

local_phone(678) 287-4800
smartphone(770) 656-7551
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