I heard this song (Gaither Vocal Band) while watching Charles Stanley and tonight I found the video and lyrics. I played it over and over and have made it my song to Jesus as well. Let it be your song too. Enjoy! GBY! Barbara - This biog is an extension of HOPE Ministry and "The Secret Place"
Like the prodigal son who decided to walk away from his family, we too have a free will. When we make the decision to commit to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we gain both responsibility as well as great liability. The responsibility involves being a witness to the love of Jesus, following H
The one aspect of my life in Christ that I cherish the most is peace. When the Lord "fashioned me in my mother's womb" (Psalm 139:13), He did so with the intent of this provision for peace. But I had a part to play in achieving it. I like the way the International Standard version puts it in Jame
It's been said to me before that 'GRACE' is God's Riches At Christ's Expense yet how many of us have failed to really grasp what this means? When I remind myself that He is the creator of heaven and earth or when I consider His greatness and power or that He can speak into being any situation or
My thermostat is probably the most versatile item in my house because it allows me to maintain a constant environment effortlessly with the touch of a finger. Unlike a thermometer that changes constantly a thermostat keeps things steady. When I speak with women who are experiencing challenges it
Friends: I know this is lengthy but oh, so good! Receive it and be encouraged by it then pass it along to anyone the Lord lays on your heart. Blessings! In Christ, Barbara R. "Live each day as though it were your last, and SMILE!... God loves you!" http://barbararies.activerain...com www.hope200
After surviving experiencing motherhood for 25 years, I used to think this state of being a mother would lead me to a state institution... seriously! (only a mother can understand this) But as we all know, the blessing of children is in fact, the most wonderful gift that God gives to women. I a
I will celebrate my birthday this coming Saturday and unlike my oldest son who claims he can remember when he was in my womb (no kidding!), today during my time with the Lord, I thought about the reason why I was created. Having lived 50 years on this earth, the answer as to why The Father made
Living with kids can be challenging especially as a single parent. Yet challenging is probably an understated word, more like treacherous at times especially in those golden moments when it's a toss up between watching the newest Hanna Montana episode, Man vs. Wild or Flip This House. Regardles
The Bibles tells us in Jeremiah 29:11,"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." NKJV Our clients all have plans when it comes to their real estate goals. Some are experiencing foreclosure, divorce, de