Comparing Northeast Seattle neighborhoods listings and price trends for the last 90 days ; Zip code 98125-Pinehurst, Victory Heights, Lake City, Cedar Park with zip code 98155 -Lake Forest Park and Shoreline. Northeast Seattle neighborhoods (zip code 98125) Inventory levels (orange line) sho...
One of the things that you need to look at when you are planning your real estate Bothell retirement options is the safety factor. If you are not quite sure yet whether you would like to remain in your own home, buy a condo or downgrade to a smaller home, think about the safety factors before ma...
If you have been looking around at Bothell home prices you may be a little confused about listing prices in the area. You might find one home that seems relatively equal to another in a different area and see quite a difference in price. A lot of factors are taken into consideration when determi...
Bothell real estate is a lot like the game of golf. You can have the right stance, the ability to play and connect with the ball. Without the proper follow-through, however, you'll never reach the goal of sinking the ball in the hole in fewer shots. The same is true for real estate. Even if yo...
Why do you need title insurance? What is title insurance in Bothell and why do you need it? This is a great question and you should understand more about title insurance before looking at a home. Before the close is finalized on your real estate purchase a title company business searches to ensu...
June 22nd 2011 marked the official end to “Goat Days” a community service event held in Lake Forest Park Washington from June 18-22. The concept behind Goat Days was conceived by long time Lake Forest Park resident Jack Tonkin. Lake Forest Park, like many other cities, is facing budget c...
If you are looking for real estate in Bothell and have small children, you should keep your eyes open for a community that has a Bothell neighborhood watch program in place. This will help protect your small ones and you will be able to become a part of the program as well to protect other chi...
One of the things that you should keep in mind before purchasing a Bothell home is the home security features. On top of wanting to find a safe neighborhood to live in, you’ll want to make sure that your house is safe as well. Here are some safety factors to include in your Bothell home securi...
When you are doing a comparison between different condos in Bothell it can get very confusing when you look at one after the other. They all have different features and amenities and there can be quite a price difference from one to another. Here are some helpful tips to help you compare condos ...
Once an isolated city Bothell is quietly making plans for becoming the hub for jobs, community, housing, and wine, with quick access to major cities like Seattle and Bellevue Bothell with plans for a major downtown development has been busy restructuring major traffic arterials that once bott...