Okay I may have lost my mind or maybe it is the HOT AZ sun getting to me but I am going to do something that I don't think ANY other Virtual Assistant has done here on Active Rain.... (drum roll please)................ I am going to hold a drawing for 5 free hours of my services
What does your email say about you??? You would be surprised to know that sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference when it comes to you and your business. Now I am sure all of us want to be portrayed as a professional in our industry but you may be hurting yourself and not
As a Rain Maker Certified Virtual Assistant I am always getting tips and tricks from Dan Gooder via email here is one I received today that I thought I would share. He has come up with a new strategy for marketing via the web. Those of you who are familiar with Rain Maker and use it can apply th
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." — Eleanor Roosevelt Self-confidence begins with the knowledge that you are a good person. If you believe in that fundamental fact, then other people's negativity cannot hurt you. Just wanted to share a little inspiration on this Wednesd
I stumbled across a project management tool yesterday as I was looking for a way to organize one of my new clients ever growing "to-do" list. You know that list that we all have, the one that never seems to shrink but instead keeps growing and growi
Are you looking for a lucrative investment property in Las Vegas? Do you want to receive GREAT incentives? If you would like more information on our Southgate Property please feel free to contact me with you name, phone and email address and I will have our Realtor contact you about this excit
Are you looking for a lucrative investment property in Las Vegas? Do you want to receive GREAT incentives? If you would like more information on our Pinehurst Property please feel free to contact me with you name, phone and email address and I will have our Realtor contact you about this excit
Are You Interested in Buying REO's in Bulk? We can provide customized REO packages w/ several different banks from 5 million - 1 billion per portfolio. We can build packages that are geographic specific. We can also build custom portfolios on bank notes of any type from 5 million to 1 billion. W
I stumbled across this neat little tool today and thought I would share it with all of you. It is called Address Grabber. Here is a blurb on the product from the company: Statistics show that office professionals spend at least 20 minutes to 2 hours of their time everyday manually capturing on
Creative Ways To Use Your Business Card On the Back 1. Print a team's sports schedule on the back. Fans will keep them handy and keep your name in front of them. 2. Print a special discount offer or coupon on the back. People will keep it because they intend to use the coupon. 3. If you do sem