We at At Your Service! Virtual Assistant Specialists have been working hard to offer those in the industry a comprehensive resourceful website. We are right now in the middle of creating a website that is not only informative about us and our many services that we offer to real estate profession
In these changing times I have been asked several times I want to work from home, how do I do it? I have been asked this so many times this month alone that I felt it would be a good post to write about here . Although many of us here on AR already work from home or work for ourselves some of us
New Page 1 Get Your Orders In Now To Ensure Holiday Delivery That time has come again where we are planning our holiday card lists. Did you know that we offer this service for you? We can get all of your holiday cards out for you in no time flat. Save yourself the stress of getting these out to
A little bit of professionalism goes a long way! I have noticed in these changing times that the act of professionalism is slipping. I try to act as professional as possible when dealing with clients, leads & clients client's. But lately I am noticing my clients and leads are acting less and
If you have not already looked into and signed up to this service you are missing out. IMPREV is a powerful tool in any Realtors toolbox in assisting to create professional looking marketing pieces that allows you to market your listings as well as your listings. IMPREV allows you to cre
Unique Ways of Marketing You During HALLOWEEN!! Many people don't consider the idea of using Halloween as a time to market but there are several ways you can get the word out about you and your company. I have outline 10 different ways to put a little "boo" in your step this Halloween!! **Clic
New Spin on an Old Concept! With all that's possible with TV & film these days, how is it that we are still in the "next slide please" stone age of image presentation? This question prompted the guys at Animoto Productions, a b
Are your REO's bogging you down?In today's real estate market REO's are pouring in faster than you can list them. If you are like any other REO agent you are swamped with phone calls, dealing with vendors, evictions, banks, agents, forms, forms and more forms. You probably work 12-15 hours or mor
A Consumer-Facing Web Presence. Starts Here. Special offer exclusively through At Your Service! Virtual Assistant Specialists REAL ESTATE WEBOGRAPHER™ (REW) certification teaches Agents and Assistants how to best utilize today’s most popular web-based technologies - the solutions for a
New Page 1 March 20, 2008 At Your Service! Virtual Assistant Specialists just wanted to take a moment to thank all of your for your continued great networking and advice that you all give on this forum. We also wanted to wish each and every one of you a "Happy Easter". Sincerely, Skye Hawk