If you are on Twitter are you announcing your Twitterxistence (I know that is not a word LOL) in all of your other outlets - blog, website, other social networks, e-mail and so on. Make it easy for people to follow you on twitter by adding gadgets and/or buttons. You can add them on each individu
In today's market as more and more people are being laid off, costs are rising and incomes are dropping I have had several calls and emails asking me how I became a Virtual Assistant, how I run my company etc. I have had so many people asking me the same questions over and over that I thought i
Looking for a creative, interactive way to display your documents? Look no further. Check out www.issuu.com! Issuu is a Living Library for individuals, publishers and businesses. Best of all, it's FREE and open for everyone to use! Even YOU Can Do It! Upload any kind of document and Issuu wil
Many of you are not sure if hiring a REVA (Real Estate Virtual Assistant) is cost effective or if you should just consider hiring an in-house assistant. There are several things to consider when hiring an assistant. Below is a chart that you can use to see a side by side comparison of how a RE
This is so important during this tough economic time. Market, market, market. Even if you don't have an active listing/ client you need to be doing these type of activities to keep you motivated and keep your business moving in the right direction.Real estate marketing starts with great services
Are your REO's bogging you down?In today's real estate market REO's are pouring in faster than you can list them. If you are like any other REO agent you are swamped with phone calls, dealing with vendors, evictions, banks, agents, forms, forms and more forms. You probably work 12-15 hours or mor
SKYE HAWK Earns REAL ESTATE WEBOGRAPHER™ Certification. For Immediate Release Fountain Hills, AZ. December 17, 2008. Skye Hawk has successfully completed the REAL ESTATE WEBOGRAPHER™ certification to join an elite group of real estate professionals who have earned the prestigious certificatio
Please read this blog I find this to be very close to me as I was diagnosed with a non-cancerous brain tumor this year and am still dealing with this. Anything to help anyone with this or any type of cancer should be addressed by all.I'm going to put myself out there and be pretty venerable, but
He's making a list and checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice... At Your Service! Virtual Assistant Specialists is taking orders for a FREE personalized Santa Letter, postmarked from The North Pole!! If you have anyone you would like to receive this special gift please downloa
20,000 pts With this post we have reached the 20,000 mark. So we only thought it would be fit to send a special "Thank You" to Active Rain. As we gave gained so much knowledge, friends and clients just by being part of this networking group. We consider AR to be such a great resource and tool in