Hi don't forget to listen in to our Internet Radio Show.  We will be discussing two hot issues affecting real estate professionals.  The shows are on wednesday and Thrusday at 4:30 at 1.  The indepdennt foreclosure review - distressed homeowners may ...
  Hi don't forget to listen in to our Internet Radio Show.  We will be discussing two hot issues affecting real estate professionals.  The shows are on wednesday and Thrusday at 4:30 at 1.  The indepdennt foreclosure review - distressed homeowners may ha...
2013 LOSS MITIGATION UPDATE! The new law (SB 900 / AB 278) was passed into law earlier this year and is effective January 2013.  You can see a quick overview of the law by click on this link: CALIFORNIA HOMEOWNER BILL OF RIGHTS 1.  What does the law protect against?  Here are the broad strokes: N...
DON'T MISS THE SHOW! Just a quick reminder to catch our internet radio show tomorrow - The Vondran Legal Hour - where we will be discussing regulation 2773 and a general overview of the requirements for real estate licensees.  If you have not heard about the law, it was passed in 2009, and requir...
An interesting real estate license discipline case came down from the California Court of Appeals involving Grubb Company, inc. ("Grubb") and one of their real estate licensees. Case Summary The Grubb Company, Inc v. California Department of Real Estate, 194 Cal.App.4th 1494 (2011). This is an i...
To visit our main corporate website go to  The following blog was authored by Steve Vondran, Esq., licensed to practice law in CA and AZ. Financial Elder Abuse Cases in California in the Real Estate context This blog provides general legal information regarding the topic ...
  This is just a quick update, you may have seen it already, but you may want to be aware of it if you have clients facing foreclosure or short sale.  There are new rights which will go into effect on January 1, 2013 which are set forth in the "CALIFORNIA HOMEOWNERS BILL OF RIGHTS" This law seeks...
Criminal convictions sometimes occur, even to good people.  When a real estate licensee, or applicant for an original real estate license is convicted of a crime (for example rape, arson, robbery, burglary, DUI, shoplifting, embezzlement, etc.) whether a felony or misdemeanor, such persons need ...
                            From time to time a DRE licensed broker or sales agent may receive a subpoena from the California Department of Real Estate (“DRE”) usually pursuant to a DRE investigation.  The question then becomes, what do I do with the subpoena?  Forst, what is a subpoena?Accordin...
California Business and Professions Code Section 10141.6 There is a new law in California starting July 1, 2012 that applies to all California real estate brokers who conduct real estate escrow activities in California and meet the escrow threshold.   Brokers who are exempt from the Escrow Law (...

Steve Vondran "Attorney Steve®

Business, Real Estate, and Intellectual Property
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