Premiere Home Staging

Home Stager - Premiere Home Staging : Home Staging Services
Home Staging Roseville, Granite Bay Home Stager, Preparing your home for the sale in Rocklin, Folsom Home Stager, Home Staging in Lincoln, Home Stager Serving Loomis, Staging Services In Sacramento, California



Yes, my Active Rain fans, I went on an AR Blind Staging Date. Armed with my favorite glue gun, staging bag, and suitcase... I boarded Southwest Airlines on Thursday and headed to S. California.  Would it be a match... would we like each other?  It was.... The Staging Blind Date.My directions upon...
Your secret weapon... hire an experienced Stager!Home Staging benefits all houses, irrespective of price, location, style and condition. We are here to help you get your homes SOLD!!!  Don't try to Stage it yourself as these pictures show.  We can make your so-so home look fabulous.    You can ha...
  Smile!  Did you ever have a stranger come up to you and say that?  Well, my friend did recently.  She was waiting in line at the bank the other day, and someone said that to her.  The stranger also added, "Things can't be that bad, can they?"  Now, she wasn't feeling bad about anything - just t...
It just amazes me everytime I work with professional photographers.... I am so humbled by their equipment for one thing, but working with them on a Staging is an incredible experience.  I have been Staging for an area magazine and yesterday was just too much fun.  I had met this photographer at a...

Lori Kim Polk

Home Stager - Roseville, Sacramento
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Home Staging Roseville, Granite Bay Home Stager, Preparing your home for the sale in Rocklin, Folsom Home Stager, Home Staging in Lincoln, Home Stager Serving Loomis, Staging Services In Sacramento, California
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