Anne Clark's (anneclark) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Metro Referrals
This weekend make some time to stop by Claude Moore Colonial Farm to enjoy an autumn event that offers a flash back in time.    It's two days only.  Read Linda Coffey's post for details. Haymarket, VA - Homes For Sale - October 2010 Events - Autumn Colonial Market Fair at Claude Moore Colonial F...
If you would lke a break from the hustle and bustle of our technologically Northern Virginia world, this may be just the ticket.  A step back in time, just in time for Thanksgiving.  Can you imagine making your own candles or soap?  Want to know how it was done...make it out to Claude Moore Colo...
Looks like some things are loosening up for Fannie Mae (gift funds) and tightening up in other areas (revolving credit.)  New changes go into effect December 13th.  Read this post for details. Haymarket, VA - Homes For Sale - Upcoming Changes to Fannie Mae Lending Rules - December 13, 2010 Start...
If you live in Gainesville, Bristow or even Haymarket for that matter, make sure you get down to Yankey Farms Pick-your-own-pumpkin Patch before Halloween.  From what I understand, there's fun for the whole family. October is my favoite month of the year.  And October wouldn't be complete withou...
If you are serious about buying a house, HGTV can set unreasonable expectations. The home buying process is nothing like half hour shows would have you believe.  There are a lot of properties weeded out before the couples on the show get down to three homes. If you're serious about buying a home...
Keep hearing the term Short Sale and wonder what your friends, neighbors, relatives or Realtor are talking about?  This post should clear it all up for you. A buyer entering the market these days is encountering a type of sale that so many before them never even knew existed.  It's called a Shor...
With winter just around the corner, knowing who is responsible for plowing the street where a home you want to purchase is located is critical.  But it's more than just snow you should be concerned with.  If you, the home owner, own the street, you'll also be charged with the financial responsib...
Give me food and a good cause, especially one involving animals and I'm happy.   Thanks to Patricia Kennedy for finding the Lost Dog Cafe in Arlington. Next time I'm there, I'm definitely stopping in.When my sister, Joan, bought her current house in Arlington, we celebrated the event at a neighbo...
I like that Cindy Jones brings into focus the idea of "reputation management."  As she says in her blog, Google has a long memory, so be careful what you are out there blogging about. The saying goes “Elephants Never Forget” and apparently neither does Google. Science has determined that indeed ...
A lot of buyers may not realize that when they are under contract with a short sale, it's still a contract.  A seller takes their home off the market and is working with your purchase contract to avoid foreclosure.  If buyers don't like a house enough to wait for short sale approval, they should...

Anne Clark

smartphone(703) 362-2584
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