For agents in the Bucks County area, if you have a buyer for this beautiful townhouse in Newtown Grant, please let me know. My sellers are extremely motivated to sell the home and are offering a credit toward appliances. Agents who bring a buyer by Feb. 14, 2014 will receive a $1,000 bonus! So, p
Best Places to Watch the Super Bowl in Newtown, PA 18940 We are literally DAYS away from the Super Bowl on Sunday and, if you're not having a party or going to one, you sometimes feel like you're missing out. That's OK. After all, as human beings, we are social. So, don't worry. I have a few gre
As a real estate agent in the Bucks County area, I come across many mistakes that sellers make when trying to sell their home. It often comes down to the client not being willing to see their home as a potential buyer sees it. This could include anything from inflating their home's value to belie
Search current inventory of Single Family Homes Under $500,000 in Yardley, PA 19067. Listing & Open House Details Single Family Home Under $500,000 in Yardley, PA 19067 Open House Date: SUNDAY, January 12, 2014 Time: 1 pm to 4 pm 1083 Independence Drive, Yardley, PA 19067 Price: $499,900MLS numb
There are no words for how absolutely freezing it is out here today in Newtown, PA. With that said, I wanted to provide a few resources I found for making sure your pipes don't freeze in this ridiculously cold weather -- and hopefully we don't lose power too! Here's what I rounded up for you. P