Just a few days ago we informed you of California SB1394 that was to take effect 1 January 2014, requiring 10 year batteries in all new smoke detectors installed in California. We have since communicated with the office of the State Fire Marshall and became aware that in late November the bill wa
Time to change the clocks and the batteries! Daylight savings time is the best time to change your smoke alarm batteries. All houses should do this for every smoke detector twice a year. However, it is estimated that only 90% of homes have smoke detectors and 30% have failed or no batteri
This photo was taken a few years ago and I came across it this morning while organizing my photos! What I like about this one is the dark swirling sky and the light of the rainbow. It's hard to know if this is morning or evening. What do you think?
Credit is an important component in helping you find the best loan product to meet your home-buying needs. The way you handle credit obligations can greatly affect your loan choices and the interest rates you can get. In short, the better your credit, the more loan options you will have when choo
Karen, your post this morning is about something that we are face in this business. So many times sellers want to "test" the market. Or, say something like "well buyers will offer less anyway" It is always best to have the initial conversation upfront and a plan if the market changes during the c
Bill did a superb job outlining the top 10 things that will help you sell your home in today's market! Please note the #1 can be replaced with Angelica Blatt 831/206-8070! Thanks Bill! If I ever have a buyer heading your way, I will be sure to send them to you! Hello! It’s Bill Morgner with the M
My favorite time of the year officially began yesterday! Where I live - the Monterey Peninsula - not much really changes in terms of weather conditions. We have a very consistant temperature with 62 degrees being the average temperature all year long. August/September being our warmest weather an
If you are in the market for a rental in the Los Angeles area, this blog may be helpful to you. I have been scanning the area looking for housing for my daughter. I already have a general idea of the market rents, but this helped put it in perspective.As reported in LA Weekly’s online blog, by D
Agents, please read and understand the time periods of the purchase contract in your area. And, apply them to your buyer and your buyers situation. Each buyer is unique and their purchase is too. Negoitiate the time periods up front. This may just help your buyer a little more with negoitiations