Never a dull moment in Sandy Utah Traffic on 9000 S in Sandy UT is busy at the best of times; at 9am today it was more determined than usual. Road barriers and traffic cones added to the mix. Add to that add a rogue sign at a building site saying "Footpath closed - use other side" ~ four lanes ac...
When four inches feels like a footOut the garage door and in to snowflakes, abrupt u-turn in my power chair to collect my golf umbrella.First 100 yards foot paths are clear - almost. Just how much snow can fall in the next half mile to the Elementary School for my volunteer appointment in the Rea...
A day of differences in UtahAfter an insignificant winter with only a little snow in December, I must have become complacent in assuming we had successfully avoided winter while much of the country suffered in various ways. Snow on the mountains but mainly sunshine with temps reaching the high 70...
Always reading - only the format changes Seven decades of reading... There must be something in it! I recall a reading explosion when I was an eight year old. It started with The Voyages of Captain Cook (1700s, book written in the 19th century). Soon followed the other 16 books in the school libr...
Kaizen - a world of exploring   I have only recently been introduced to the business concept of Kaizen, "a change for the better", continuous improvement, the ability to increase productivity by making tiny changes. My next step was to search, my online library. which serves me wel...
Don’t Sell Me; Tell Me Your Story – The benefits of open networking   I am a believer in the value of face to face business networking. Long ago I got over the needy feeling of “what’s in it for me” and adopted the healthier attitude of “I will go to give rather than to get”. This led to the mira...
Resident Board of Directors   For those who might have read my post yesterday and noted my challenges that occupied my schedule and resulted in only a semi-terrific day, you might have thought that I had attracted a bad fairy that was hell-bent on my destruction via a necessary machine delivering...
Time to plan ahead for the Utah "Biggie" They came across the plains and into the Rocky Mountains in different seasons, in wagons drawn by oxen, or pulling handcarts, to make a jewel of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. From the time Brigham Young declared "This is the Place", they have been hon...
Where do garden gnomes go? Ever wondered where garden gnomes, carefully selected and often loved, vanish to. Live long enough and you will always get answers to life's intriguing questions? After decades of vanishing gnomes - with one exception of one returning after a five year absence, suntanne...
What makes a hot day in Sandy UT? Just in from giving the veggies a drink (they were truly appreciative). A mere 90º at 6pm, after an earlier high of 93º, a pussy for a summer day in Sandy UT. Yesterday did not even make it to "hot" at 99º, and now we have to wait until Sunday to hit HOT 100º.   ...

Larry O'Sullivan

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