Money talks and in Texas Republican Legislators are on the take. Anti-Sanctuary Cities bill in danger! KRISTOPHER WILLIAM EGGLE (August 15th, 1973 - August 9th, 2002) The losers on this issue, Texas taxpayers, Texans whose lives are lost or destroyed because we have allowed violent criminals to ...
Illegal Immigration is a HUGE issue in Texas. We have La Raza (The Race) type progressive Hispanic Legislators in office along with Hispanic legislators who were once Illegal Aliens. I will not call them “Undocumented Immigrants” as the media likes to use. My question is if people in a group nam...
There is a story from the floor of the Texas House that you need to know about. It’s about the  Budget and Democrat Donna Howard’s amendment that taps into the Rainy Day Fund. We have heard from our sources that the story goes like this. Republican House members were told by Speaker Joe Straus‘ ...
I wanted to share with you the talking points my good friend Lori Medina with the Dallas Tea Party and I have been jotting down while considering Rick Perry as the President of the United States. It is interesting to note that Gov. Perry seems to be more popular outside of Texas than he is  insid...
By John Alaniz In November of 2010, several months before the 2011 Texas Legislative Session began; Texas State Rep. Bryan Hughes issued a press release stating that he had withdrawn his support from Rep. Joe Straus as Speaker (“Bryan Hughes PR,” 11.10.10).  Rep. Hughes explained that a member o...
Exciting News-  I just received confirmation that I will be in-studio at 5:05 tomorrow with Jon-David Wells AM 660 KSKY discussing the release of theWomen On The  ”No Pledge To Joe Straus” video which is shown below. For More Information be sure and read…….. Texas House Representatives ...
First let me say thank you to my friend Kevin Jackson with The Black Sphere  for that line “They are on the Take”. I just got off the phone with him and if you don’t know who he is you are missing out. He’s a great guy and doing wonderful work at the boots on the ground level. Let me just say it ...
WOMEN ON THE WALL by Rebecca Forest Join with WomenOnTheWall.Org and other Tea Party group leaders and activists across Texas in saying, “NO TO PLEDGE CARDS"                     This practice is unethical and perhaps even illegal and it is time for members of the Texas Legislature to pledge thei...
  Sanctuary Cities Bill Back on Track in Texas Senate   "It would prohibit local governmental entities from adopting policies that prevent local law enforcement from inquiring about immigration status of people lawfully detained or arrested. The issue was designated an emergency item by Gov. Rick...
  By Donna Garner Gov. Perry must make his decision about the Texas State Board of Education redistricting map this Wednesday, May 18.  Please watch these three videos and then do your part by contacting Gov. Perry’s office.     Tell Gov. Perry that you are supporting SBOE/E118 which is the map t...

Alice Linahan

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