Agentspayingforward Blog

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   Many people talk about how they are going to "networking" events, but they really don't know how to network.  You shake their hand, hand the other person your card, and then take their card.  More often than not, many people don't even follow up.     I've been networking very hard as of late, ...
Follow us on Twitter! @agentspayforwrd  Many people have been affected by the ravages of cancer. I was speaking with a friend of mine, Danielle, and we were talking about how her Mom beat breast cancer. However, now her Aunt has breast cancer as well. Breast cancer is a pervsasive disease, and se...
Follow us on Twitter! @agentspayforwrd Many people have been affected by the ravages of cancer. I was speaking with a friend of mine, Danielle, and we were talking about how her Mom beat breast cancer. However, now her Aunt has breast cancer as well. Breast cancer is a pervsasive disease, and see...
 I am a firm believer in giving, and I also am a firm believer in capitalism. is designed to facilitate business for you as an agent, and also to help so many charities.  Below you will find the step by step instructions on how to join, and also to use Agentspayingforward...
  A while back I wrote a post about Nick and Millie stasuc.  Nick and Millie were the ones who came from Romania around 25 or 30 years ago now.  They had bought a home in Lincoln, CA for $250,000 around 1986, and had put down $50,000 (back when $50,000 meant something).  I had done a loan with Gr...
  I'm really excited to announce that provided it's first donation last week to New Life Community Church in Fair Oaks, California (  Dwight and Christy Palmatier are Re Max agents in Fair Oaks, California ( or (916) 879-4998).  Bot...
I saw this today in Drudge, and was struck by the fact that there isn't an uproar.  Read it, and you be the judge.  If you are in one of the coal states, good luck. Please read update about the San Francisco Chronicle neglecting to mention Obama's willingness to bankrupt the coal industry at bott...
      Like many people, I've been following the election.  I can't recall so many people involved in the election, and, of course, everybody is saying this is "the most important election in my lifetime".  I know I sound cynical, but I'm old enough to have heard that before.   For many years ele...
  I received this email this morning, and was once again reminded how generous we are as a country.  We have soldiers who fight and die for this country, and people who appreciate it so much that they give of themselves to thank them.  Here's a chance to put the election aside for a moment, and c...
   I was cleaning out my inbox this afternoon (aka procrastinating), and came across a publication called the Patriot Post.  Many have stated that Barack Obama is a great communicator, and he certainly reads a speech well.  Notwithstanding the speaking skills, many people don't support Obama.  I ...

Tom Ash

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Stories of our industry "paying it forward" and making a difference in our communities, and our world. A site designed to foster networking, charity, and the sharing of ideas and information