How to get School Grants Higher education costs have risen to incredibly over the last 20 years. Few parents have the extra cash on hand to pay for these costs, so educational student loans and increased debt have become a real challenge for many students. If you are graduating with an outstand...
Hi Mike, I'm with you, Strategic Defaults, especially by the well healed, is just one of a miriad of problems plagueing the foreclosure crisis. And it all certainly makes my head hurt. I also agree that the biggest barrier to at least mitigating this crisis, are the banks themselves. I feel t...
Attack from Mars Loan Modification companies, foreclosure prevention services and Realtors who negotiate shortsales may well feel under serious attack. As I'm sure many of you know, the FTC recently made some major changes in the regulations affecting virtually anyone involved in foreclosure pre...
Hi Marie, Your post is such a good reminder of one the common problems facing realtors and loan officers. As I'm sure you know, qualifying for loans of any kind has certainly become even more difficlult today. This is especially true for credit challenges and is the topic I bring up for your c...
Hello Ilyce, Your post "File A Complaint against A Bank" was well done and it is certainly a very common story happening to so many people all over the country. As I'm sure you know, this problem it is not limited to just one or two "difficult banks"either. We deal with both new and existing clie...
An excellent post John. As an experienced loan officer who has been in the industry for over 10 yrs now, I have seen a lot of similar complaints. I believe many of the major banks around the country are also guilty of the same practice. In fact, with many of these banks, they run into many of...
Loan Modification Help in Seattle and Beyond. Are you one of the millions of homeowners at risk of foreclosure? So many families have much financial hardship and stress, especially this time of year. And when the threat of foreclosure is added to that, it can be devastating. Of course, a success...
There are some common misconceptions about what Debt Settlement is.Many people tend to refer to Debt Settlement as any approach to attempt to reduceor get rid of ones debt. However,in the debt industry, Debt Settlement refersto a professional service where experienced negotiators (hopefully), w...
Kerry's post on 10 Reasons You Should Buy Instead of Renting a Home is right on the money, and it sure applies to renters all over the country. You could actually add an 11th reason. That would be that by adding a mortgage and paying on time it really strengthens the first time homebuyer's cr...
Wow! I can't believe all the Apps available! There really is a number of fun things in there and I love the Tee Shirts! Thanks Brad, you have done it again.I think the title says it all, so there's no need for any intro to this post.There's more here than you'll ever need or use, but you'll hav...